𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3 - 𝖌𝖑𝖔𝖜

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The wall was an interesting creation, particularly the colour

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The wall was an interesting creation, particularly the colour.

Mara's magic had always been a bit different. At school, she was still able to perform all the spells and charts without fail. In fact, she was probably better than the average witch.

Then again she was never average, to begin with.

Mara's magic is different, over the top even. If she performed a cleaning spell, the floors would be scrubbed so hard that the tiles glowed. If she changed a candle to burn, the fire was almost always a little blue. If she coloured her hair with a charm, it was always a brighter colour than intended in the spell and lasted longer than it should.

She always chalked this extra power to her heritage, she was a half-dead, the only born vampire to her knowledge.

She was a miracle, the dead can't create life, yet here she was.

A miracle.

Mara only started to notice the true extent of her powers when she was going a case study on synesthesia.

She couldn't see colours when looking at music, but she did see colours of spells.

Not spells or charms that had a colour accompanying them.

No, every bit of magic held a light colour, an almost glow.

And Mara could see that glow, feel the energy of a spell.

A wand always gave of different colours according to the wood and core, no wand the exact shade.

Mara's main theory was that the colours correspond to the magic used.

If a wand was used for dark magic, it usually glowed darker colours. If a wand was used for lighter magic, a light glow.

However, there was always oddities. A wand that glowed grey, or pink. A wand that was used for dark magic that glowed pink.

The glow didn't stop at wands, any magic touched creation glowed.

Anything from magical cars to lamps, magical artefacts. Even spells and chants had a glow.

There was just always a glow to magic for Mara.

The wall was no exception it seemed, while not wizard of witch magic, it was still magic.

Magic after all was the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

Magic was magic.

The wall glowed a faint yellow, appropriate giving the border to the spring court.

The system that ruled over Prythian was interesting. Nepotism at its finest.

Mara couldn't wait for the fae to discover democracy.

The wall was said to be invisible for humans, and while Mara was no human, the ability to see this giant wall, including the few holes in it, was overpowering.

Being near the wall always felt life-altering. Mara couldn't explain it any other way. It sounded dramatic, but that's the pull it had.

It felt that the second you stepped over into the unknown lands your life would change. You would be deciding your fate. A journey was here, and you just needed to cross.

Mara had never crossed the wall. The only time she had even been in the fae lands was by accident. And after the incident, she could bring herself to come back.

But while she was here she had met a fae. Perhaps it was two magical beings attracting each other in a village full of humans.

Mara's mother did always say that power attracts power.

Lila had been running away from her husband. Mara had let her stay in her cottage, and in return, Lila had talked and talked about the world of the fae.

Everything from the courts, important figures and the war.

The world of the fae had instantly caught Mara's attention.

Knowledge was power.

This was a new world, and while geographically being the same shape as England, that was where the similarities ended.

Mara listened and listened, absorbing every detail about this world.

It was fascinating, and Mara rarely knew anything. So the prospect of discovering this world, Mara was ecstatic.

But she never made it over the wall.

But that would change today.

Adjusting the camera in her hand, and checking the spells for her other equipment, Mara stepped over the wall.

Into the yellow glow.

⭒☾ 𑁦.⭒✰⭒.𑁦⭒✧⭒☾ 𑁦.⭒✰⭒.𑁦

Azriel was on alert, he rarely wasn't.

Even if it seemed calm, peaceful, that could all change in a second.

He still enjoyed Feyre's get together. A tradition now. Family lunch every Sunday.

And now that was pregnant again, tired and dealing with Nyx who was seven and begging to be taken flying. Azriel loved taking the little man flying, but it was always a stark reminder of what he didn't have.

Even Cassian and Nesta who switched between bullying to flirting had formed a strong bond.

They did things together, little things that solidified their relationship. Nesta put in sugar and a little bit of cold water into Cassians tea so when he gobbled it up he wouldn't burn himself. Cassian made bookmarks out of old reports because Nesta read in every room and always forgot one.

These little things, things developed out of love. That a couple that fought so much, now did for each other.

They were the subtle punches in Azriel's gut. The little reminders that made his house feel empty.

Even at the busy, table on a Sunday surrounded by his family, that constant little ball of loneliness remained.

Mother, even Nyx was blushing about some new boy or girl every week at the camps when he visited.

Knowing that a seven-year-old had a better dating life than you was another stark reminder and a punch to the ego.

It was almost sad that Azriel was happy when his shadows informed him of a breach in the wall.

That was an excuse to leave, the check-in on the animal or lost human.

This was his excuse.

His excuse to slip into the shadows.

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