Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I wake up with a start. This is not my bed. I realize where I am just in time to not wake up the sleeping body beside me; Jason's small snores fill the darkness. Last night floods into my mind, and I shake my head. I can't believe I let any of that happen, but looking beside me, I can't help but smile. I actually made a friend, I think. We'd gone upstairs after saying goodnight to his mom, I made sure to thank her profusely, and we went straight to sleep.

My cracked phone screen is too bright when I pull it out. I have to squint my eyes to read the numbers 5:20. Based on his completely resting body I can tell Jason doesn't wake up this early, so I quietly slip out of his bed and over to his desk chair. Normally I barely get any sleep, so I'm feeling pretty rejuvenated, even with waking up this early. I tug my book out of my bag, and open it to the bookmark. I figure I've got at least an hour before Jason gets up, so with the small amount of light coming in from his window, I start reading.

"Good morning." I hear and I jump. I turn to the voice sheepishly. "Hi." I mumble, he is just sitting up, "How long have you been up?"

"Uh, a while." He raises an eyebrow, but says no more.

"You wanna borrow some clothes, or are you fine with wearing yours?" He stands and rummages through the dresser.

"If I wore yours I'd look like a toddler all day, so pass," I pause for a moment, "Plus I think your mom said something about washing mine last night." He looks up to me, "Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if she did. I'm gonna shower real quick--unlike some people, I like to shower inside." The little jab at my craziness from the day before makes me giggle a little, to which he smirks before walking into his ensuite bathroom. His voice comes in from the other room, "If you head downstairs, mom probably already started breakfast, and there's always coffee." I nod to myself, and after a few more pages I get up with a stretch. As a little thank you for letting me stay the night, I make Jason's bed. Just as I'm finishing up I hear the shower stop. Coffee sounds hella nice right about now, so I exit the bedroom.

"Who the hell are you?" I am a little shocked, and turn around, "And why are you wearing my sweatpants?" There is a girl standing right in front of me. She's tall and goddamn intimidating.

"Um, I'm Nico." She raises her dark eyebrows, and I'm more than a little confused. With her sharp features and jet black hair, she looks nothing like Mrs. Grace or Jason; they both have strong, but smooth builds with light hair to complement their features. Though this girl does have the exact same brilliant blue eyes as the other two.

"Well, Nico, your name doesn't explain the pants." I look down. I thought Jason gave me his clothes.

"Oh lay off him, Thals. He needed a change of clothes, and none of mine would have fit. Nico, meet my personal annoyance: Thalia." Said girl takes a soft swing at Jason, but before any contact is made, he is already out of the way.

"Yeah, Jason's older sister." Jason scoffs, "By less than a year."
"Still older," her voice is all sing-songy as she walks away, effectively ending the conversation. I give Jason one hell of a confused look.

"Same dad, different moms. He was a bit of a manwhore apparently." Jason shrugs, but I can tell he's a little tense, so I don't ask anymore questions. "Common, I need some food." He drops an arm around my shoulders and ushers me downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning ma," He gives her a kiss on the cheek and grabs two mugs from a cabinet looking to me for confirmation.

"Coffee please." I turn to Mrs. Grace, "Thank you again for letting me stay here last night, and all your hospitality." I tell her sincerely. I see Thalia fake puking at the table, but so does her mother, who gives a dirty look in the direction of her daughter.

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