The Lovers: Technical Boy - American Gods

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Technical Boy x friend!reader, romantic

You and Technical Boy have very different views of your relationship.

Part of dragon430's Tarot Troop on Tumblr, edited by her, too.

TW/CW: Misunderstandings and mentions of TNT and blowing things up.

Word count: 612 words

"If an apricot fell into a lava pit, would the archipelago blow up?" You asked, hanging upside down on your bed.

Technical Boy looked at his phone, then up at you, then back at his phone. "I am way too sober for this."

You laughed and poked his forehead.

He took a deep breath, his gaze falling back onto your smiling face from the floor.

"But what do you think, T?" You asked, watching your friend with a smile.

He shrugged. "I have no idea, N/N. I guess I'm not as smart as I thought I was."

Wriggling off your bed, you landed on top of him.

He grunted in pain but wrapped an arm around you so you wouldn't fall off him.

You got close and bopped his nose. "You are very smart. The smartest, cutest person ever and don't ever say otherwise." Wriggling further down him, you placed your chin on his chest. "Oh, and the answer is yes. The apricot would displace enough of the lava for it to fall out of the pit and onto the TNT, causing a chain reaction resulting in the archipelago blowing up. That or some guy really wanted to eat that apricot and was so pissed he blew up an archipelago for no reason."

Technical Boy laughed at the strange answer. "It's always something I don't expect with you, you know that?"

You smiled up at him.

"Your randomness is probably why I love you so much."

You chuckled and hugged him, nuzzling into his chest. "Well, I love your predictability, and, by extension, you."

He smiled sadly. "Good. It'd be horrible if you didn't reciprocate my friendship."

You blinked, confused, and got up. "Friendship? I thought--" You stopped. "Nevermind." You got off him and back onto your bed.

"Wait, Y/N," Technical Boy said and got off the floor. "What did you think we were?"

You pulled your blankets over you an turnt away from him. "Doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does," he said, sitting on your bed and pulling you to face him.

You stared at him. "I thought-- I thought we were more than that, but I guess I was wrong. Horribly, terribly wrong."

"More how?"

You sat up and pulled your blankets to your chest. "With all the looks you gave me and how you acted, I thought you liked me, liked me not just liked me. And when you asked me out, I thought that it was a date, not a hang out." Not wanting to look him in the eye, you instead stared at the end of your bed.

"Oh," he said.

"It was stupid. I'm sorry."

"No, no, no," he said. "Don't be sorry. I wasn't clear and that's on me. But, your assumption about how I feel wasn't wrong."

You looked up, greeted by a rather blushy Technical Boy.

"I didn't think you'd feel the same way, so I never said anything." He looked to the floor then back at you. "Would you be okay with me kissing you?" A hopeful look covered his sweet face.


His shoulders slumped and smile fell.

"I'd be extremely happy if you kissed me," you said, bouncing back into your goofy mood.

Technical Boy rolled his eyes, smiling. "Sometimes, I really do hate you."

Cupping your cheek, he came closer and kissed you. It was quick. Nothing to write home about or anything, but it felt good knowing he liked you.

"Can we cuddle?" You asked. "It's lonely and cold under here and you're warm."

Getting up, he pulled the covers away and slipped in beside you. "Definitely." He kissed your cheek before you settled into his arms.

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