Chapter 22- What Better Place Than an Ed Sheeran Concert

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"Holy fuck they are loud..." I said, leaning back into Harry's arms. 

"That's some sheerios for ya" Ed said from the other couch. 

"More like weirdos" 

"Hey! Don't diss the fans" Ed scolded. I put my hands up in defense. 

"Wanna go out now?" Harry asked. 

"Surely" I said, popping up from my seat and offering Harry a hand. He took it and with a little less than ease I got him on his feet. 

"Enjoy the show" Ed winked. 

"I'll try my hardest" I replied, sitcking my tongue out at him. 

"Come on" Harry said, pulling me along. 

So have you ever felt like all eyes were on you? Sure you have. But I mean, to this extent, I can garantee you haven't. 

Harry and I walked from backstage around the halls, with a single body guard until we got to the side door of the arena. We had third row tickets, not needing to be front and center in order to touch the ginger jesus.

Anyways, the door opens and we take a step into the packed arena. It was like we were a magnet to everyone's faces. All you see is a thousand heads turn towards us and to say it was scary would be the biggest understatment of the century. 

"Well that was creepy" I said, loud and open as all the, mostly girls, looking at us started to giggle and blush at me speaking. 

"I'm scared to move" Harry whispered, his lips barely moving. I grabbed his hand and squeezed, for a man he's a big baby. 

"Do you guys just mind letting us enjoy the show and not taking pictures as we take our seats? Maybe after, but right now if we move will you just stay where you are?" I called through the silent room. 

A chorus of "Yes's" filled the room. 

"Thank you" I said. I didn't mind that flashes were coming our way, as long as we weren't trampled to the floor. 

"You are so scary" Harry said as we sat down. I laughed and kissed his nose, making 3/4 of the arena squeal. I rolled my eyes and turned to face the stage. 

"Hello! How you guys doing today?" Rizzle Kicks said as they danced their way onto stage. 

They performed Mama Do The Hump, When I Was A Youngster, and Down With The Trumpets. What a duo. 

As they were about to start up Mama Do The Hump, I got up onto my feet. 

"What are you doing?" Harry asked. 

"Dancing, what's it to ya?" I asked. Harry chuckled and shook his head. And to be honest I knew he was taking a video of me, but I didn't care. 

"Ed will be coming out in a bit!" They said when they were about to leave. 

So we waited, and the ginger jesus came on. This was my first time seeing his concert from the audience, same with Harry, so I enjoyed every minute of it. 

"Give me love like her" I sang along, resting my head on Harry's shoulder. 

But I never realized how fast a concert went by when you genuenly get into it and enjoy it. It was about half way through after what felt like 3 seconds. 

Ed was in the middle of Wake Me Up, the venue absolutely dead silent. 

"Shit" I breathed. 

"Wha?" Harry asked as a snot rocket came out of my nose. 

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