** Christmas Special!

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********* a sneak peek to future Blake (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

"Blake! Where'd you run off to earlier?" Daniel sighed as he clung onto Blake's shoulder, heaving a loud and heavy sigh.

"I'm pretty sure that me, going somewhere is none of your business," Blake smiled softly. Daniel rolled his eyes and shoved Blake's face away.

"You and that snake-like smile," Daniel pouted, crossing his arms as he turned away before remembering he wanted to ask Blake something.

"Where'd you go during sorcery class earlier?"

"Professor Layland wanted to talk to me earlier," Blake finally replied to his question.

"Professor Evan Layland? That weirdo who keeps staring at you during class?" Daniel asked, just to make sure. Blake nodded as an answer as Daniel groaned. "He's a fucking weirdo if you ask me, be careful of him, dude."

"I know, don't worry so much Daniel, I'll be fine. Anyway, I've got to go to class, I'll see you later," Blake smiled and waved the brown-haired boy goodbye.

Daniel sighed and only waved his best friend goodbye before turning away and making his way to his dorm to pack up.


"Brother!" A low but feminine voice was heard from afar. Blake turned around and saw that familiar head of green hair tied into two pigtails.

There, Flora ran up to her brother, with a happy smile. Blake smiled back and held out his hand to help her up the carriage. Today, was the day they would return home to go back to the duchy. In the carriage, Blake, Flora and Sebastian sat as they conversed about their last day at the academy before the winter break.

Sebastian grew into a fine teenager with his silver-blue hair framing his elegant face perfectly. His yellow eyes peeked through his bangs as his face held an aloof expression. Every time Blake sees his little brother at the academy, he remembers the time when the child would smile and laugh oh-so often. But it seems as the academy has made him mask his emotions, which honestly made Blake kind of angry.

Flora, on the other hand, grew beautifully. She now, at the age of 17 had slightly tan skin from all the training she did for swordsmanship. Despite that, her body was slim and fit, with no trace of any bulky muscles, only some scarring on her palms from the ruthless training she put herself into. Her green hair was now the length of her shoulder blades. She would tie her hair up into a single ponytail every time she would start training. Blake was very proud of how Flora had grown up. He felt as if time had passed too fast when he spent time with his little siblings.

Of course, how could we forget Blake? Despite nagging from the Duchess for having his hair too long, worried that one day, his long hair would catch on fire or get trapped, he kept his midnight blue hair to the length of his hips. His baby fat had long disappeared, and what was left of that chubby and adorable child, was a handsome young man. He was tall, well mannered and handsome. Many people had admired Blake, and he was flattered.

Even Kazuha, the person inside Blake's body can agree that the now grown-up child was extremely good looking. And as Kazu had said, "If I was the same age as Blake and isn't inhabiting his body, I would've asked the boy out on a date already,"

Soon, the carriage arrived infront the very familiar manor gates. Outside the front door, four familiar tall figures stood while two more smaller ones stood. As the carriage got closer, the figures could finally be seen clearly.

One, was the duke. He had not aged at all for the past 14 years Blake had stayed at the manor. Still has good-looking as ever. Next to him, was Blake's mother, Aliyah. She, of course looked the same as ever too due to her lineage, she would live a longer life than normal humans. On the other side of the duke, was the duchess, Cruella. She too, looked the same. Behind them, was Felix, Blake grandfather and Aliyah's father.

In between the duke and duchess, was two smaller children. One was a boy who had green hair and yellow eyes, while the other was a girl with long silver-blue hair and red eyes. Both were the spitting image of the duke and duchess. A beautiful set of twins that the family doted on excessively. (Which includes both Aliyah and Felix)

As the carriage came to a stop, Flora hopped off the carriage, followed by Sebastian. Both siblings turned around and held their hand out towards the carriage door. Blake smiled and held both of his siblings hands as they escorted him off the carriage.

"Welcome home, Blake," the duke said with a smile.

Blake's poker face broke as he slowly broke into a smile and nodding, "Its good to be back,"


A/n: ooo~ who is this professor they're talking about? a new ML? Oooo~ mysterious~~~

anyway, everyone have a great holiday! to those who celebrate Christmas, merry Christmas!! and to those who don't, have a great holiday! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎take care of yourselves! til the next update <3

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