1.20 - the final decision (2)

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"Father, I would like to talk to you about the offer to the academy."

"Oh? have you come to a decision?" the duke asked as a smile etched onto his face.

"I would like to accept the offer to the academy, father," Blake said, his small fingers gripping onto the fabric of his pants tightly.

"Alright, I'll be sending a letter there to inform the board of your acceptance," The duke said, picking up a blank piece of paper and beginning to write.

Blake watched as his father's nimble fingers glided the quill over the paper and wrote the acceptance letter. He opened his mouth to speak, hesitating whether to say it or not before he decided to just keep quiet.

"Would you like to say something, Blake?" The duke asked, glancing up from the paper and flashing a soft doting smile. Blake's resolve only shook more as he stared at his father's smile.

With a deep breath, Blake called out to his father, "would it be possible if I attended the academy when I have grown a bit more?"

"Oh, Blake..." The duke sighed, the smile on his face never wavered as he stood up, brushing the coat off of his shoulders before walking towards Blake, picking p the small child in his arms before leaving a small peck on Blake's cheek.

Blake: oi- no kissing..... okay maybe just a little...

"Did you think we were going to send you to the academy at this age?" the duke asked, carrying Blake in his arms as he sat down in his seat behind his desk, placing Blake gently on his thigh.

Blake turned his head and stared into the duke's yellow eyes and nodded slowly, uncertain at what the duke would say. Blake saw his father let out a soft chuckle as he ruffled the younger one's hair.

"You must've thought of a lot of things in that tiny head of yours. Fret not, Blake. We won't be sending you to the academy just yet. You haven't even turned 7 yet, how could we send such a young child there on their own?" the duke smiled, folding the acceptance letter and sliding it into an envelope.

"So... I'm not going to the academy?" Blake asked, his voice holding a bit of wariness and uncertainty. The duke chuckled as he called Milford over to ask him to send the letter.

"You will, just not yet. Alright? I would like for you to enjoy your childhood a bit more before continuing your studies to the academy," the duke said, handing over the neat letter to Milford before turning back to Blake and placing his hand on the smaller one's head gently.

"...thank you, father," Blake mumbled as he gripped onto the duke's white button-down tightly, his head hanging low as he tried to hide his smile.

"Do not let your studies worry you. Your health takes utmost importance. Now, why don't you run along now and go play with your sister? I'll see you at dinner," the duke smiled, picking Blake up and placing him gently on the ground next to him.

"Yes, father. Thank you for lending me your time," Blake smiled before turning away to leave the office.

As soon as Blake left, the duke smiled, thinking to himself, 'so he does have a childish side to him,'

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