Part 2: Episode 7

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"Do you genuinely hate me?" he questioned—- "I don't hate you, Taeyong, but," I said, pausing for a second—- "But I'm not fond of you always fooling me with your words," I said. "I wanted to give you another chance after hearing what you said, then, I saw the text that Yeojin is pregnant with your child," I uttered pausing for a second.

"I dreamed about it——and I ended up losing my child after a month of pregnancy; I don't think I could bear the heartbreak if it comes true," I said. He held my hand—-

"Y/N, I won't do anything to hurt you; please give me a second chance," he said, pausing for a second. "I don't think I can," I said—— "You're going to let our child be raised by another man and call him father," he said.

"If it gets to that—-then yes," I said—- "Y/N, you don't know since 2013—-I've pondered about how to win you back—-now, I've been giving a chance to make things right," he said—- "Do you know if we were still dating it would be our first anniversary in a month?" he asked. "Of course, I do," I replied—- "Please, give me a second chance," Taeyong said. I remained silent because I don't know if he'd hurt me again—though I still love him those words still linger in my heart.

"Taeyong, I want to give you a second chance, but...," I said— "I promise I won't hurt you again because these past two years and months I missed you every day," he said. I missed him too because I keep on remembering the memories we once shared—though when I met Eunwoo in March. Both of us became best friends instantly and I didn't feel lonely again, yet I cried myself to sleep because I missed Taeyong.

"I will give you a chance because of the child, but if you hurt me again...," I said—-

"Then, I won't hesitate to walk away from you and you'll not have custody to see our child," I asserted. He hugged me tightly—little did we know that Yeojin is watching us and her blood boiled in anger—I hugged Taeyong back. I missed how he used to hug me—-why did we end our relationship, but I hope nothing bad could ever happen again.

Taeyong breaks the hug; "Y/N, you should stay here—so I can take care of you and our child," he said. "But I need to pack my clothes and move back in here," I said—

"Don't worry, we'll do that tomorrow," he said, taking my hand in his. We headed inside his house-then, he gestured to take a seat on the sofa. "What do you want to eat?" he asked—- "Uhm, cheesecake, fried chicken, honey barbecue chips, seaweed chips, and a bottle of spirits," I uttered. "I'll order for you the cheesecake, but the fried chicken I'm going to make it," he said, making me nod.

"Let me help you shop," I said—- "Okay, let's go," he said. He knows I would continue to pester him to take me along; he handed me his hoodie, then we left to go to the supermarket.


Taeyong took the basket—then, he holds your hand tightly; "Hey! I'm not a baby!" You said, making him smile cheekily. Still, he didn't let go of your hand—you smiled at his overprotective behavior; you saw strawberries and chocolate, then removed your hand. But as you were going to grab the crate with the big and juicy strawberries another hand snatches it—- "Hey!" You yelled.

"Awww! You wanted it! Well, that's too bad!" the person said—-You tried to snatch it, but the person pushed you; luckily, Taeyong held you. "You know you shouldn't push girls—-especially pregnant ones," Taeyong asserted— "Humph! Whatever!" the person said, then walks away.

"Are you okay?" Taeyong asked—- "I'm fine, don't worry," you said. Both of you continue shopping, but you secretly wanted to slap that person. Finally, you and Taeyong got all of the things you needed, then both of you headed home.


When you arrived—your phone suddenly rang, checking the caller-id to see Eunwoo is calling you. You quickly walked upstairs to answer the phone—but locked the door to make sure that Taeyong wouldn't barge into the room.

On The Phone

You: Hello Eunwoo!

Eunwoo: Y/N, why aren't you home yet?

You: I'm staying with Taeyong.

Eunwoo: Why?

You: He wants me to stay with him.

Eunwoo: Y/N, I don't want you to get hurt by him again.

You: Don't worry! He promised not to hurt me.

Eunwoo: Okay, but please eat healthily and don't miss your appointment tomorrow.

You: Okay, mom, I won't miss it.

Eunwoo: Hey! I'm serious.

You: I know I'm joking. I'll see you tomorrow.

Eunwoo: Bye.

You bid farewell, then hung up the call—-you looked around the room to see Taeyong still left your pictures on the wall. You smiled at your teenage pictures, then you saw something on the floor—-you bend down to pick it up and saw the picture with you and Taeyong on your first date.

"What is this doing on the floor?" You murmured, then he knocked on the door. You placed the picture on the bed and unlocked the door; he opens it. "Are you okay?—Why was he calling you?" He asked.

"Are you jealous?" You asked, teasingly.

"No, I'm not," He answered, coolly.

"Come on, let's go—I help you make dinner," You said, making him nod. He headed downstairs first and you looked at the picture on the bed. Though you were curious why he left the picture on the floor, you decided not to think about it and headed downstairs.


A couple of hours later, you guys finally finished cooking—-Taeyong served the food and sat opposite you. "You know it's been a while since we sat like this," He said— "Yeah," You replied. Both of you started eating— "It's delicious," You said, making him smile—- "I'll cook for you and our child every day," he uttered, making you chuckle.

"If we come to know the gender—-what do you want it to be?" You asked—- "I don't mind if it's a girl or boy," he said. "If it's a girl, then, I'll spoil her and teach her things—if it is a boy, I'll do the same also," Taeyong said, leaning closer then pecking your cheek. "I love you, y/n," he said, making you smile.

"Why didn't you say it back?" Taeyong asked—- "Uhm, we just got back together; it's too early," You uttered. He lowered his gaze and continue eating—-both of you are silent; you wanted to tell him, but remain quiet.


After dinner, you headed upstairs to take a quick shower—-an hour later, you walked out of the bathroom with a towel around your body. Taeyong knocked on the door and handed you his hoodie and sweatpants— "Here! Wear this for the night!" he said, making you nod. You informed him to wait for you—- "Okay," he said and sat on the bed—you went to the bathroom to get dressed and came back out a couple of minutes later.

"Taeyong, are you mad at me?" You asked.

"Why would you ask that?" He said.

"You know because I didn't say I love you back after you said it," You uttered.

He approached you and held your hand in his— "I'm not mad, instead I understand you—so I'll wait as long as it takes for you to say it back," he said. "Anyways good night," he uttered, then left—you sat on the bed.

"Did he change after two years?" You thought to yourself.

You genuinely wanted to believe him, but your gut feeling is telling you otherwise—while your heart is saying; "He changed!"

"Are you being sincere, Taeyong?" I muttered.

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