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"this door doesn't lock?"

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"this door doesn't lock?"


THE FOLLOWING MORNING, ATSUMU FOUND HIMSELF ASLEEP ON THE COUCH. He had managed to fall asleep while watching a show he didn't even remember the name of. How typical.

He patted around the couch for his phone, finally finding it tucked away between the cushions. His eyes widened bigger than volleyballs when he saw the time. He had about ten minutes to be on the court, and here he was on the couch in yesterday's clothes.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed as he flew off the couch. Atsumu started the shower and raced around the apartment, gathering his things.

Naturally, being in a rush meant Atsumu had no spatial awareness. A loud thump could be heard when he crashed forehead first into the doorframe of his bathroom.

"Ow! Shit!" he yelled very loudly as he clutched his face.

He didn't have time to look in the mirror as he stripped and slung himself into the shower. Atsumu managed to be out the door in six minutes, a record time thus far.

He knew Meian was going to have his ass when he finally got there. Atsumu couldn't make it to the arena in four minutes, even if he broke every traffic law.

At this point, he was saying his prayers, both for himself and the others on the road on this fine morning.

"What happened to your face?!" Hinata exclaimed as Atsumu ran to join the line for serves.

"You idiot, we couldn't do spikes without you here. Foster is pissed." whispered Adriah Thomas, a teammate Atsumu didn't even know all that well.

"Did you get socked on your way here?" Bokuto asked.

"Probably deserved it." Sakusa added from a distance.

Atsumu had no desire to admit that he ran into a door frame, but admitting he got into a fight would probably just lead to bigger problems.

"I fought a door frame. Frame won obviously." he said.

"You have to be a rare kind of stupid to run into a door frame." Sakusa said before throwing the ball for his serve.

"Yeah! Stupid!" Bokuto added.

This day was not going well for Atsumu. First the door frame and now being bullied by his teammates. It was days like these where he just wanted to go home and pout on the couch.


Yuna was minding her business walking down a hallway in the arena underground when she felt a hand snatch her arm.

She was quickly pulled into a closet and spun around to see Atsumu's eyes staring at her half-opened. Yuna had noticed that one of them was horribly bruised.

𝖬𝖤𝖲𝖲𝖨𝖭𝖦 𝖠𝖱𝖮𝖴𝖭𝖣 | 𝖬𝖨𝖸𝖠 𝖠𝖳𝖲𝖴𝖬𝖴Where stories live. Discover now