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"i used to be my own type of talented

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"i used to be my own type of talented."


YUNA STOOD IN THE WINGS, PATIENTLY WAITING FOR THE CURTAIN TO RISE. She had been chosen to have a solo in an original ballet written for the younger dancers of the Northern Japan Academy of Ballet, one of the more prestigious ballet academies in Japan.

She had worked so hard for this moment. Rehearsed every day, had private lessons, spent time outside of the studio working on this solo.

Yuna had earned it fair and square.

The curtains rose and Yuna took in a deep breath. This was her time.

As she performed her thirteen-year-old heart out, Yuna could practically feel the energy of the audience. So silent, yet so intense. She fed off it, intensifying each movement with the music.

This was her ticket to a bigger stage, to her training before she would inevitably sign to one of the professional ballets of Japan.

Yuna felt so lost yet so found in the music and in her movements. She maintained her lines and made sure to phrase the choreography well. She was shining like a bright and beautiful star.

She leaped off of the ground, creating a nearly still picture in the air. Her legs separated into a beautiful split, creating a straight line from the side as her arms reached towards her back foot.

Yuna took in a deep breath in the leap, feeling the moment of stillness consume her.

As she moved to land, she realized that she was far too high off of the ground. In a desperate attempt to maintain technique, Yuna left her right leg straightened. Her knee was perfectly locked as she descended for the landing.

But Yuna couldn't react quickly enough to bend her knee for the landing impact. Her foot planted flat on the ground and she felt a horrible crack ripple through her right leg.

She shrieked in pain and collapsed to the floor. Yuna was no longer lost in the music or the choreography. She could hear the gasps, cries, and shouts of the audience as she lay helplessly on the floor.

Yuna tried to choke out another shriek to no avail. It took her a moment to process her pain before she shouted again. The pain was ravaging her bones, making her shiver violently as she rocked on the floor.

All feeling had been lost in her right leg as she sobbed loudly for some kind of solace. When Yuna saw the faint image of her teacher above her, she closed her eyes and lost all consciousness.

With a sharp gasp, Yuna jolted herself awake. She quickly kicked off the covers and gripped tightly onto her right knee with both hands.

She let out a sigh of relief to feel it in fine condition, she looked down to see her leg shaped like any normal leg.

𝖬𝖤𝖲𝖲𝖨𝖭𝖦 𝖠𝖱𝖮𝖴𝖭𝖣 | 𝖬𝖨𝖸𝖠 𝖠𝖳𝖲𝖴𝖬𝖴Where stories live. Discover now