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shown a girl with white hair and a little black at the ends of her hair, let's call her 'little girl' for now.Those colored, Purple and a little yellow in her bottom of her eyes, and grey eyes looked like they were already sleepy wanting to sleep, but this little girl want to wait for her 'mother' to came to see her one more time.

As her wish, her 'mother' came to her room once again to check if she already slepping

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As her wish, her 'mother' came to her room once again to check if she already slepping. The little girl opened her eyes fully and smiles, her 'mother' widened his eyes seeing that his daugher are not sleeping "My gosh, should be asleep right now...,why weren't you slepping?" The 'mother' of her asked worried to her/little girl, "I want to make sure that mommy is still healthy...!" The little girl respond.

Her 'mother' widened his eyes, suprised by the little girl responses, he then walk closely to his daugher and sit in the side of her bed, 'mother' sighed and then smiled at his daugher, "Mommy will be always healty sweetheart, mommy is strong remember?" Say the mother to her, the little girl respond with a smile and say "I just making sure mommy! And im glad that you're!" Her continued.

The 'mother' give her a sad smile, "Well then little princess, now that you seeing your mother is healty why don't you go to sleep?" says someone intterupt and entering The little girl bedroom with a smile on his face, its her Father.

"Dad! Your home!" The little girl smile even brighter, "Darling...welcome home" 'mother' said with his smile. the little girl's father patting his daugher and his malewife hair, "well then, its time to go to our dream isn't it?" The father says to both of them.

"Oh yeah! i will go to sleep now! Good night mama,papa!" Says the 5-years-old girl who is now laying in her bed. "Good night sweetheart" says her parents to they daughter before her Father carries his Malewife in bridal style, "Hey! Put me down! I can walk by myself!" says the malewife who is embrassed, his husband didn't respond and keep walking out of her bedroom.

Well, we don't make stories/talk about her parents but its they daughter we should focused/talk about.

The little girl giggle a little cause of her parents lovely dovey that they're doing.., after hoping that she is going to have a sweet dream, she then fell asleep. 

💉  ----–––--------  🧪

Dream, yes dream is supposed to be a imagination of our minds that looked real, maybe sometimes not and maybe sometimes it may messing with our mind.

The little girl opened her coloured eyes, she shocked of where she is right now. She is now in a big jar with a slimey water inside of it, she wearing a look-a-like a hospital clothes, she tried look around outside but she can't see anything but a other big jar that have the same size as hers

"W-where am...i?"

And the adventure begin.

End of Prolog


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