Chapter 15: Missing Girl

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Draco finds you, nearly frozen. He doesn't handle it very well...



The next morning dawned way too early. Actually, it wasn't even dawn when I woke up.

It was still dark when the pounding on my door began.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm coming!" I hissed. Pulling the door open, I did a double-take: it was Arlie's girlfriend, Juniper.

Or, I supposed, she was also y/n's roommate.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, but she ignored the question, instead pushing past me to come into my room.

"Is y/n in here?" she asked, not helping my confusion.

"What? No, I haven't seen much of her today," I lied.

Well, I suppose it isn't a lie, I've technically felt more of her than I've seen...

"Cedric's only just been released from the infirmary, so I know she wouldn't be with him. And she isn't in our room," Juniper said, running a hand through her blue hair. "I have no idea where she is."

"She's probably just taking a walk," I said, trying to convince myself of that as well as mask my own growing concern.

"Draco, she left her wand," Juniper objected, holding the wooden object out.

I felt all the blood drain from my face as I looked at y/n's wand in Juniper's hands. I knew I didn't know y/n as well as, say, Marin or Silver did, but the one thing I did know was that the girl never went anywhere without her wand. That thing was practically her lifeline.

"You've seen her the most lately," Juniper continued, not accusingly. "Any idea where she might be?"

I knew immediately of a place she might be, but Juniper was the last person I wanted accompanying me. Really, if I were going to try to find y/n someplace, I wouldn't want anyone with me.

"I've got a spot I can check," I said, and Juniper's whole face lit up. "You stay here," I commanded. If she isn't there we can start scouring the castle together."

Juniper nodded. "I'll be in the Common Room."

Without another word, I pulled on my coat, took y/n's wand from Juniper's outstretched hand, and left the room.

My heart was pounding as I sneaked through the castle, trying to go as quickly as possible while at the same time not getting caught by a wandering Filch. Why would she have stayed out so late on her own?

The air was bitterly cold when I stepped out into it, and I immediately felt a chill go down my spine. I could see my breath in the air as I ran through the courtyard, and I knew it had to be close to freezing.

I realized my intuition had been right when I approached the tree, no illusion spell in place to keep anyone from seeing into the hollow tree.

I held up my own wand, whispering "Lumos!" to light up the inside of the tree as I ducked inside.

My heart nearly leapt into my throat when I saw her.

She was curled up on the ground in the corner of the hollowed-out trunk, still in her class robe. I dropped my wand to gather her up, and she was shaking in her sleep in my arms. I picked my wand up to illuminate her face, and my panic only intensified when I saw her lips were a light shade of blue. She was ice-cold, and either I was breathing too hard or she was breathing too light, but I could barely hear or feel her breathe.

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