Chapter 30: "Found you"

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Draco arrives to the manor, he finds you. But you refuse to leave him.

(also, surprise, it's in Draco's pov again)



I couldn't function. It had been three days since I'd seen y/n, and I hadn't even heard from her either.

I'd asked all her friends, everyone that I could think of that she'd speak to—nobody had heard from her or seen her. I couldn't imagine why she'd just disappear without notice, which was most of the reason for my panic. I couldn't fall asleep properly without knowing she was safe. Or where she was, for that matter.

I didn't even have the energy to fuck with Potter in Transfiguration, the way I knew he'd been egging me on to do.

She didn't even show up to Quidditch practice, which didn't help anything at all. No matter where I looked for her, she wasn't anywhere. I couldn't find her in the Library, our hidey-hole, the Common Room, her dormitory, the Astronomy Tower, you name it. She wasn't in any of our classes, and Snape was getting increasingly annoyed about her absence from Potions. He kept upping the number of House Points he was going to take from her the next time she decided classes were worth showing up for, and the rest of the Slytherin students hearing the number going up were getting tenser as each class period went on.

I knew there was no way she was going this far out of her way to just avoid me. I would've seen her at some point. Juniper hadn't even seen her, and that girl was y/n's roommate. I knew this meant y/n wasn't just avoiding any of us.

Y/N wasn't even in the castle.

But that meant I had no idea where she was. If she had left for some family emergency, I would hope she would've at least told me. Or Juniper, at least. And I could've gotten that much out of Juniper if I had had to.

Which meant she had left abruptly, without telling anyone. And since Juniper hadn't even seen her leave, did that mean she had left in the middle of the night? Who would do that? And if y/n had done that, why? What reason could she have had to leave that was so compelling that she had to leave, without telling anyone, in the middle of the night?

These thoughts and questions had plagued me for days. I'd barely eaten, barely slept. I'd stolen her pillow from her dormitory, something I wasn't going to admit unless I was under the influence of Veritaserum or the Imperius curse. It smelled like her still, and it was the only way I could even get a wink of sleep at this point.

She'd left everything behind, which made her absence that much more peculiar. The only things missing from her dormitory were—well, her—and her wand. She had left with the clothes on her back, her wand, and nothing else.

Crabbe and Goyle found it all too amusing to point out the circles that were rapidly appearing underneath my eyes, and I had found it all too comforting to myself to simply hex them to get them to leave me the fuck alone. Granted, that only made my situation lonelier, seeing as how the two of them were my only true friends at the school. And I wasn't even sure the two of them were legitimate friends. I could trust them, sure, but I couldn't count on them for anything important. That's what y/n had been for, for so long.

After the fourth day passed and I had neither seen nor heard from y/n, I collapsed on my bed in agony, nearing the end of my rope. I had to find her, I was going to go absolutely bat-shit insane if I didn't.

As if my thoughts had ignited fire on my skin, the Dark Mark on my arm began to burn. It wasn't as painful as it was uncomfortable, but it certainly wasn't a pleasant sensation either. I knew what it meant, though: Voldemort was summoning me back to my childhood home. He had been using it as a base for months at this point, even longer than I'd been with y/n. Which, now that I thought about it, was a lot longer than I had realized. We'd been together almost eight months, which was longer than I had spent with anyone before her.

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