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Frank walks home from work. It's snowing and he's worried he'll get sick. He ignores everything around him, until, he sees a black cat. The black cat has a patch of white on his ear and tail. One of the tips of his ears is ripped off and his tail looks oddly short.

The cat shivers.

Frank stares and puts his hand near the cat. "what are you doing out here?" The cat rubs his face on Franks hand. Frank scratches his head and chin. He unzips the coat and carefully picks up the cat. Frank holds him close to his chest, lightly wrapping the oversized coat around the cat. "You're a cute cat," He says to the cat.

He's only a few streets away from his house when he says to the cat, "you're almost to safety, I can get you tuna and water, maybe a blanket if you want, I have a doggy door from my old dog if you want to go outside for whatever reason."

He feels the cat rub into his chest.

He eventually walks in his house and tries to put down the cat who refuses.

He smiles and goes to the kitchen. Holding the cat in one arm, he grabs a bowl and fills it with a water bottle.

The cat hesitantly gets down and starts drinking the water.

Frank walks over to his cupboard, he opens a can of tuna from when his friend came over.

He sets it down and the cat eats it.

He walks into his bedroom and lays down under blankets.

He turns on the TV. He hears footsteps but ignores it.

The cat jumps on his bed and lays against him, he pets the cat and smiles. It seems odd, but he won't complain.

He decides that despite the fact that the cat probably has a home, he decides to keep him.

Frank grabs his phone and goes to Google.

"I should give you a name," Frank sighs, "I'll name you Storm, my friend Gerard wanted to name a cat Storm," Frank sighs sadly. "He wanted to get a cat and name them Storm,"

Why did he have to die.

"Fuck. It's been almost 3 years,"

The cat rubs against Frank.

Frank pets Storm.

"He's dead" Frank sighs, them he pauses, "I miss him, he fucking- be called me after he- to say goodbye, he fucking- I loved him, he's gone and hell I still do, he called me and I heard his last breath, he told me he was scared, I should've helped him," Frank cries and the cat licks his hair, Frank tries to wipe his own tears, "I'm fucking ranting to a cat, a cat that isn't even legally mine, fuck," he sighs "I'm fucking losing it."

Storm continues to lick Frank, 'cleaning' him or something.

"I'm loosing it." Frank says. Storm stops and wedges himself under Frank's arm.

"Thank you," Frank says, because he's making him feel better. He feels like he's going crazy, but that's fine.

He falls asleep like that.

He wakes up and half asleep, he swears he sees a guy, sleeping next to him, but he rubs his eyes and it's just the cat.

~time skip~

Frank decides against being responsible and looking for Storm's old owner. It'll be fine.

He walks to the gas station and fills up a gallon, he walks home and puts the gallon in his car before driving to gas station to actually fill it up.

He pays the cashier and drives to the pet store.

He grabs a brand of food along with a case of wet food. He gets a little box with some litter.

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