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Thank you for tuning into my first reader insert!  Here are some abbreviations for my story.  I may update this as the story progresses incase I forget anything.(;^ω^)

Y/N = Your Name

M/N = Middle Name

M/I = Middle Initial

H/C = Hair Color

H/L = Hair Length

H/S = Hair Style

E/C = Eye Color

F/C = Favorite Color

Reminder, this is a Female!Child! Reader, so there are no, and I can't stress this enough...

Everything is purely platonic.

(You are 4/5 years old in this for Pete's Sake...)

I won't be doing all of the chapters, because I can't find where to put you.

That being said, I'll be doing some original chapters, so hopefully I won't make the characters too OOC!

I'm not really good at writing reader inserts, but I'll do my best so whoever reads this can enjoy it!


Thank you for reading this!


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