The Next morning

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 2 A.M....

The alarm rang


"Ugh!" I groaned and hit the stop button, I slowly got up trying not to wake anybody up and left the tent with my space helmet and skinny protection suit, because we were so high up there was not much air. I gazed in the horizon, "Beautiful isn't it?" a voice said, I jumped up, almost falling off the cliff until a hand caught me and pulled me back, "Sorry for startling you!" It was Katie and she was awake, "Your awake!" I said, "Ya, you think you're the only one who heard the timer? Marvin slept over it (Of course) and well me, I couldn't! WHY DID HE MAKE IT SO LOUD?" she answered then blushed again, "I can estimate it will take us about 6 to 10 weeks to go up and down! I will hate to do that and yet now...... I AM DOING IT! How did I get myself in this mess in the first place!" I sighed and sat down on the soft but cold snow, "Hey, it'll be fun! Exploring new things and being the first humans to ever make an alien spaceship that can actually go to space!" she smiled and drew a happy face on the snow, I don't know why but seeing her makes me happy and cheerful. The boys finally woke up a few minutes after our conversation, "Why didn't you wake us up?" Leo said still yawning, "Good morning to you too again! Do you know how to say good morning cause you don't say it!" Katie said then I smile deviously "Fine, good morning Jessica, good morning Katie." Leo tried his very best to smile happily but his face showed the exact opposite, Marvin finally got out of the tent dressed with his space suit,

"Good morning! Let's get hiking!"

"But we just woke up!" Katie complained

"I know and I am so psyched!" he said jumping up and down

"NO! First we eat then we go." Katie said trying to keep her voice calm, "Fine." Marvin grumbled something under his breath, we all entered the tent and got the small table ready with plastic baby pink plates, Leo was taking such a long time! "DIG IN!" Leo said holding a huge plate filled with pancakes, "Where did you get this?" Marvin asked, "Well lets just say my bags full!" Leo exclaimed.

After we ate

"Now can we go?" Marvin nagged; Katie sighed "Unfortunately....... Yes."

After 5 weeks.....

Once we made it to the top, I fell and slept, everyone followed my example including Marvin, after we got our rest, we got up and watched the stars, it was silent until Leo broke it "This was worth it! And now we can study space and its atmosphere better!" Marvin looked at Leo and smiled, "But Leo my friend, we just did." EVERYONE looked at him, "What? But-But----" I lost my voice right there, "When we were at the tent, when we were climbing, when we were looking at the stars! We learned everything we needed!" Marvin said, then a thought just popped in the mind that's why he is the boss..... "We learned how Earth's atmosphere works! Let me explain..... What are 3 functions of Earth's atmosphere?

Atmosphere is essential for life on Earth as it supplies oxygen, water, CO2 and some nutrients (N) to living organisms and protects living organisms from temperature extremes and excessive UV radiation." Marvin explained, Katie and Leo's mouths fell open except me, I still didn't understand how he knew all of this just from climbing a mountain, "Ah the smarted in our group doesn't understand how I know this eh? Remember how every night I would stay awake cause I was observing! Let me explain some more. What kind of atmosphere prevails at the top of mountain?

The top of Mount Everest sits in the upper troposphere, a part of the atmosphere where winds travelling at 110 km an hour can pummel climbers like us. That's why we wore space suits. Air pressure decreases as you climb up a mountain, because there are fewer gas molecules as you go upward into the atmosphere. This region is also affected by jet streaks, extra fast bursts of wind within the jet streams that race around the Earth from west to east. It also takes a lot longer to cook most food the higher you go. That is why Leo---"Marvin was interrupted by Leo "THAT'S WHY THE PANCAKES TOOK SO LONG!" Leo said, "Yes Leo, that's why the pancakes took so long. You see Jessica, we learned so much on our adventure.... Next time we will learn about how we launch our spaceship to space!" we all smiled and then laughed. Together we watched the stars as the cold breeze took all the negative thoughts away...

The End!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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