You saw them to?

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It's was already 12:30 and none of them had gotten up due to the huge hangover they were dealing with. Eventually Chuuya woke up next to Dazai. Pretty usual considering they were sharing a bed, but Chuuya was completely naked and when he looked over Dazai was too. "WHAT THE FUCK" Chuuya yelled spooking Dazai awake.

"Morning Chuuya~" Dazai said rubbing his head.
"ASSHOLE DID YOU FUCK ME" Chuuya said angrily "I don't know I was just as drunk as you, your acting as if we haven't done this a million times, are you mad you don't remember it" Dazai teased
"No that's n-"
"If you want I can give you a new memory" Dazai said lifting up Chuuya's chin and kissing him. "Fuck off I'm getting dressed" Chuuya said as his face grew redder and he walked off to the bathroom.

Akutagawa's and Atsushi's POV

Akutagawa groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. His head was sore but not too bad since he decided not to drink so much but it still hurt. "Guess k better get ready" he said as he walked to the bathroom. The shower burned his scared pale skin Turing it a light red. Most people would turn the heat down but not him he liked the burning sensation, feeling as though he deserved it.

After drying off he put on some jeans a t-shirt and flannel. Atsushi began to wake up as Akutagawa was sitting back on the bed scrolling through his phone. "Aku" Atsushi said sleepily. Akutagawa started to blush a little he sounded so cute like this. "Yeah what's up" he replied
"Nothing" Atsushi yawned getting out of bed heading the the bathroom "I'm gonna get ready okay" "okay" Akutagawa said going back to his phone.

His peace was slowly disrupted by Chuuya and Dazai barging into the room. Akutagawa was slightly annoyed then remembered what happened yesterday. He got to the floor in front of Dazai and started apologising. "Dazai-san I'm so sorry for hitting you yesterday that was completely out of line please forgive me" he begged. Akutagawa didn't notice with his head to the floor but one of the sleeves of his flannel had come up almost halfway to his elbow revealing many fresh and old cuts, Dazai's eyes widened as he looked at Chuuya to make sure he wasn't imagining it. "It's okay I forgive you" Dazai laughed as Akutagawa got up.

"Akutagawa where those just-" his question where cut off by Atsushi coming out the bathroom in a t-shirt and jeans. "What's going on Dazai?" He asked confused "nothing how bout we just go out to lunch now that everyone's ready" he smiled as the others nodded. Soon they were all on there way to a restaurant Chuuya had picked out.

"Looks almost as fancy as that hat" Dazai said mockingly. "Shut up you bandaged freak he said as they all went inside. There was already food on the tables but you were aloud to order more if needed. The sheets were white with cream cushioned chairs with gold frames.

"Awww they have little sandwiches" Atsushi said picking one up. "oh my god Chuuya I think there as tall as you" Dazai said dramatically earning a glare from Dazai. Akutagawa felt rather out of place and there was so many people be felt like he was on the verge of a panic attack. "I'm going to the bathroom" he said standing up as the others looked at him confused.

Akutagawa wasn't going to cut, he just needed space. The bathrooms were fancy as well. No one was in there and it was sorta nice being alone, until his anxiety started settling in. "God you so weak I hate you" he said to himself looking up in the mirror but as soon as he did he almost cried. "Do I actually look this.., fat" he said grabbing his face obsessing over it. It never is just something wrong with one part of your body though.

Akutagawa had never liked the way he looked not since he was about 8. For a while he thought he was two slim and began eating more, then his mind switched and he thought he had to be skinnier than everyone so people might actually like him. That didn't go well and he would go days without eating just to prove something, and then would binge eat after those days. It was an endless cycle and he was never skinny enough. He thought it was normally and decided to keep to himself and thought he was finally getting better, that was until now.

His hand moved to pull up his shirt and look at his stomach. It was just cuts and a very thin layer of fat, but to him it looked like 20. "Shit, I knew I should have eaten so much these past few days how look at me" his mindset was incredibly fucked up especially since he would see Dazai skip meals to loose weight (it was more cause he forgot but Akutagawa convinced himself otherwise) and this wasn't him wanting to be more like Dazai, it was him wanting to be skinnier than Dazai. He would make it a competition in which he was the only participant, his brain decided to ignore that factor of course.

It was all going so well he started not to think about what he ate but now, why was this all happening now. "Looks like I can't have lunch or any food till I burn off this fat" he sighed wiping his tears and walking out.

"Your back finally I ordered some burgers" Chuuya said gesturing to the four on the table. Akutagawa tried to hide the terror creeping up in his face. "You can do this it's fine" he thought to himself thanked Chuuya and sat down. Dazai practically devoured his burger with Atsushi taking small bites and Chuuya almost half done. Akutagawa had t touched his bed just been looking at it and at the others eating.

"If your not gonna eat that I can I have it" Dazai asked just have finished his. "Of course" Akutagawa said happiness filling his voice. Dazai took the burger and began to eat it till Chuuya got mad. "DAZAI THIS IS FOR AKUTAGAWA NOT YOU" he said snatching it off him. "Really I'm fine plus he's already eaten it so I can't have it now and I'm not to hungry so don't worry" Chuuya just sighed as the rest of them finished their lunch.


The ride home was tiring with Dazai and Chuuya arguing and almost crashing the car, Atsushi slept through most of it and Akutagawa was lost in Thought. Eventually they all made it back and went to rest on their beds. While Atsushi and Akutagawa were just chilling and watching a new Netflix show together, Chuuya and Dazai were having a discussion.

"You saw Akutagawa's cuts right?" Chuuya asked concerned as Dazai nodded " yeah I did and as I'm the professional I know they were on purpose" Chuuya shrugged off Dazai's annoying comment and went back to speaking "we need to confront him now so we can help him" d Chuuya replied as Dazai agreed "yes but when"
"How about now" Dazai sighed
"Okay text him to come here now"

Chuuya agreed and Akutagawa phone lit up "a message from Chuuya?" he thought confused then clicked on it "come to mine and Dazai's room now" he was confused but complied. "Where you going" Atsushi asked. "Chuuya wants me"
"Ok I'll join you" Akutagawa didn't fight off the request and he and Atsushi stepped into Dazai and Chuuya's room.

"Sit on the bed now" Chuuya's tone was serious and Akutagawa then understood the situation "fuck" he thought and sat down as Atsushi looked confused and stood off to the side.

Chuuya started to speak. "Look I-"

Word count: 1326

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