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  "That was weird though, right?" I said while digging through the boxes in the store

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"That was weird though, right?" I said while digging through the boxes in the store. My backpack was almost full and I began to zip it up.  Harry was on the opposite side, his hands diving through his own assortment of boxes.

"Very," he responded from a distance. I could tell he wasn't completely paying attention. He was too busy focusing on his findings.

We both must of looked like little kids in a candy shop considering how much we were able to find still in good condition. I didn't think either one of us were expecting it. We were so accustomed to disappointment recently.

We were only taking what we needed in case anyone else stopped for supplies. Harry wasn't totally on board with the idea at first. He insisted on emptying out the store as much as we could, just to be prepared, but I wasn't budging. It wasn't like the store was jam packed with supplies; it was just fuller than past stores. We had plenty of stops on the way to find Alayna anyway. There wasn't any point in being greedy if we didn't have to be.

Plus, all I could think about was any other people, who would be potentially hungry and desperate, finding nothing left. I knew how that felt and it wasn't something I wanted to feel again. So I wasn't going to be responsible for causing others to feel that same way, too.

I had yet to look back over to the front of the store where the lifeless body laid. Beforehand, Harry actually had to coax me to go back in and he eventually offered to let me hop on his back and close my eyes.

But no matter how much I squeezed them shut or buried my face into his shoulder, it didn't stop the fact I could hear the squeaking noises that came from his shoes after walking through the blood. It repeatedly rang in my ears, accompanied by the sound of the gun firing.

My attention drew to his side again when I heard him zipping up his bag. He was crouching down completely unaware of my stares. He continued to disregard my presence when he stood up and walked towards the front.

I examined him, studying his demeanor. Everything he did always seemed so casual, so easy, for him. He never seemed to second guess what he was doing. He was always so sure of himself. Was it confidence or arrogance? I really wasn't sure, but whatever it was, it was working.

My breathing wavered when I noticed him getting closer to the body. His hands planted onto his hips and he crooked his head in thought. It was interesting watching him ponder in real-time. I didn't think he ever realized I was watching him so intently.

He hoisted the man up underneath his armpits and began dragging the body. His peripherals must have caught me wide-eye glaring because his head quickly shot over to my direction. He nearly dropped the body when he noticed—as if I caught him in the act.

"Just...just go back to packing up your bag right now. I'll let you know when I'm done, okay? Just don't pay attention to this." His head nodded towards what was in front of him, "I'm getting him out of the way so you can walk by."

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