The Year Long Mission

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A/N: hey guys! Thanks for waiting, and sorry about making you wait. I can't update over summer break, and in my language arts class, I can write whatever I want. So I'm using the writer's notebook to update all of my fanfiction. So this was all last weeks writing from the notebook, hope you like it!

Celestia's POV 

As I've said before, I take as many missions possible. Especially if they are long missions.  So the mission I'm currently on, well, I started a year ago. The reason is that the objective is to get rid of all the Kishin eggs in that area, and find out what's attracting them to this particular area. I've been doing well on the Kishin part, but no too well on the reason that they are calls them to this area. It's pretty annoying. I was doing my night patrol oh-so-stealthily until this horrifyingly ugly Kishin egg comes out of nowhere towards me. I pull out my bow and arrow and start shooting it rapidly. Most of the arrows hit the creature, but it still got close to me. I sling the bow over my shoulder and start dodging punches, while throwing in a few of my own. The awful creature starts to tire out, and I start hitting quicker. As I kick it in the gut, a red soul appears and I grab the container (it looks like a led holder, for the lead pencils) and put the soul in it. Good thing I have extras because the one that I just put the soul in is full, I can turn some more of my weapons into death weapons. So I defeated that Kishin, but no sign of the reasons was here. I'm tempted to give up, but if I do, I have to return to Death City, and dissapoint Lord Death, more specifically, home.

'If I don't find the cause soon, I will probably rip my hair out, and I don't like that idea very much!' I make a face at the thought.

Death the Kid's POV

Maka, Soul, Black⭐️Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, and myself were sent on a new mission. We were to bring my childhood friend, Celestia, back to Death City.

Flashback to when the mission was assigned

"Did the Miester run away?" Maka asked Father, needing more details.

"No." Was his reply.

"Then why are we going to get this snot-nosed brat anyway? She can just come back on her own anyway!" Black⭐️Star yelled, resulting in a Reaper-Chop in the head.

"Because," Father states,"she has been on a mission for a year now, and she won't leave without completing the mission!"

"But what was the mission anyway,sir?" Maka inquired.

"Well, the mission was to get rid of all the Kishin in the area -"

"Get rid of all the Kishin? She takes a year just to do that? Then a great star like me shouldn't have to pick up such a lame Miester! I should have gotten the mission! That's so simple-oof!" Another hit in the head goes to the idiot Black⭐️Star.

"You didn't let me finish. The mission was to rid the area of Kishin AND find the reason they keep attacking the poor town. She is doing well with the Kishin part, but the reason she has taken her so long to finish the mission is finding the reason they keep coming, and it isn't a witch." Father finishes his explanation.

"So we have to bring her back?" I ask.

"And find the reason, if possible. If not, then it's fine." Father answers.

End flashback

That is why we are following Celestia on this current mission, and as she finished off a Kishin, she walks down an alley.

Celestia's POV

As I walk down an alley, I hear voices whispering, and then I'm am shoved into the brick wall of the building, back first, and a gun was pointed at me. When I get a good look at the predator's face, I see the person is a boy, who is probably not much older than I am, but the fact that he was alone is what made me worried, and at this point, I had already put my weapons away. 

"How much money do you have?" He asks.

"Well, it depends. If you get the gun out of my face, you might see that the amount you receive increases." I answer.

"Why should I listen to you, you could lying for all I know." The boy accuses.

"True. I might be, but you never know. Trust me, I'd rather give you money than have a bullet through my skull." I retort, getting uneasy at the way his grip on the pistol was.

"Big Brother, listen to her! Your soul is going crazy!" I hear a younger voice come from the gun...wait. So "She's a weapon?" The question shoots out.

"SHE isn't the only one." The boy transforms into a automatic rifle (if there isn't such a thing, let's just pretend. I know next to nothing about guns.) as a girl transforms from a pistol to a dark haired person. The girl catches the weapon, but doesn't point it at me.

"You know, there is a place that has more people like us." I say.

"Really?" The younger girl asks, the boy transforms back and said,

"There is, but it's probably just a cruel joke, asking us to come."

"Why do you think that?" Comes the question, curtesy of me.

"Because basically it's a way for people- wanted or unwanted- to do Lord Death's dirty work for him! We won't get paid for the jobs we do, so we'd be on the streets again. Like we would go to the DWMA just so we can live the same life, the only difference being that we go to school and kill Kishins!" He yells in my face.

"You know, you do get money for the jobs you do, so you wouldn't be on the streets! And Lord Death gives each student an allowance! If you still don't have enough money, you could get a job!" I yell back.

"Well, for all we know, you could be luring us there just to kill us for all we've done." He accuses, again. "If you turn your life around, he won't! I know Lord Death! He gives everyone a second chance, so please, trust me!" I pleaded, not wanting to give up on them now that I knew a bit more about them or leave them like I had to with those sisters a few years back. If I did, I would hurt myself more than I already had last time.

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