Day 4: First major battle

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When day came back up over the city, besides a few smoke columns were rising into the sky, I looked around it my new uniform that we Brony Warrior's were getting.

More like Cosplay with armor put on it.

 I was wearing a custom made Cosplay suit that wasn't overly poofy like normal pony cosplay's, in fact it was more of a bodysuit combined with a weird helmet that was a pony head and as I looked around with body armor strapped on to my suit and helmet on my cosplay head, I wondered how they had managed to do this, considering my OC wasn't exactly normal.

My OC was pure black with dark grey eyes and grey hair. His unicorn horn poked out but I never liked it in the open since in my stories it was covered by a sharp horn, like a sheathe. And his cutie mark, like all my fanfics have always kept true, was a unicorn face with a scythe and sickle crossed beneath it and all of that "Warrior mark", as I have always called it, was in grey.

I turned my head and saw Turbosky in his OC's form, blue with dirty blonde hair and a cutie mark of an Xbox controller. He wore body armor that had holed for his wings to poke through but sadly no helmet but he did still had his M4 and as he stood next to me, I looked over to Winter_injuly and Solarwolf1 who were both behind me with LightningFlash2580 and the other Warrior Bronies.

LightningFlash2580 was white with blue hair, much like shining armor. His cutie mark was a volcano, which none of us found too weird. He wore a helmet and still had his M16 in hand.

Solarwolf1 was grey with red mane and dark red tail and his cutie mark was a master sword and Triforce with a Hylian bird, not mentioning his kinda creepy red eyes. He wore Turbosky's helmet but also managed to get some body armor and he carried his M16 that he had somehow managed to find a M203 grenade launcher for. He also had found for his helmet an NVG and if he had the choice to wear it all the time, I think he would have.

Winter_injuly looked like winter, with grey hair mixed with white body with her cutie-mark being a snowball being underneath a beach umbrella. She was a normal earth-pony but as she thankfully had some armor to break up her looks that some could say were drab but weren't as drab as they could get. She still had her M4 and she had managed to equip a foregrip to help her steady her aim.

And all around us, all in the new Cosplay unifroms were the other Warrior Bronies, although i saw the two "Soldier" Bronies nearby with ACU uniforms over their cosplays and having M4's. Both of them were from the Military, one being Army and the other from the Marine Corps. Both were respected for who they were and as I watched them talking on their phones, I hoped that they were calling up friends and telling them what was going on here.

"So, where is our first place to attack? Or are we going to keep moving around?" Asked Turbosky as he looked around. Solarwolf1 came up behind us as he nodded to myself and Turbosky.

"Can't Nomad around Tributes forever... Besides, as Tribute patrols fall, more and more Tributes will come in force... gonna have to eventually face them out in the open... But honestly, I'm just an 18-year old JROTC cadet who just barely had us come by..." I said to Turbosky.

"Yeah but it takes a good commander to keep most of us guys alive... Looks like the Soldier Bronies have news for us." Turbosky turned around and I fillowed his lead as I watched the Soldier Bronies, one a unicorn of army green with red hair and he wore body armor with a helmet as his "Warrior mark" was the rank of Corporal. The other Soldier Brony was Navy blue with white hair and he also wore full armor like his friend. His Warrior Mark was the Marine style of Corporal and as they approached us, I could see them talking to each other, the cosplay mouths working up and down like real animals.

That was another cool thing about the cosplay uniforms, our cosplay heads could have the mouths attached to our's, allowing us to talk naturally like we were the real deal.

"Well, we just got off the phone with some of the other Bronies out there around us and the nearest groups are making their way towards us... although, I don't think the Tributes will turn a blind eye. From what I hear, the Tributes have been taking prisoners back to the convention center and have been keeping them there for the time, like POW's." said the Army Soldier Brony.

"Alright. What about you?" I asked the Marine Soldier Brony.

"Well, after giving a heads up to the outside world... let's just say every Brony and Pegasister available is coming to help us, using equipment that some of our military is allowing to give over, including some decent tanks... but if you got an idea for maybe aircraft, please tell us because we can't get anything, not even Little Birds." Said the Marine Soldier Brony.

I thought back into my mind and when an idea did come, I almost didn't want to say it because it seemed to ridiculous but I sighed as I said, "Ever heard about the Ponyland Airforce of War Thunder?"

The Marine thought back before he said, "I just recently looked them up out of boredom. You think it's worth a shot?"

"Want V-shaped dropships all over us, bombing us?" I asked back.

He nodded and as he walked away to relay that idea off, I turned around as I sighed and wondered what to do for this day.

 When the Bronies from other area's appeared before us, I could tell that some of them had taken on Tributes, judging by the gear that they wore and had along with some of their expressions. As they all slowly entered the hotel, I watched as many more uniforms were brought out to be given to the Warrior and Soldier Bronies that were soon to be entered into the "Brony Military." As I watched them all slowly get into uniforms and become geared up with what weapons we had, I watched as the Marine continue to talk on his phone but then I heard something outside and I turned around, as many others also did, I went outside and watched as there seemed to be two more Tribute flag's being raised into the sky on more large pols an as I watched those flag's go into the sky, I knew what they meant.

Either we fight them or we go quietly into nonexistence. And I was determined to allow the Bronies to go on forever.

The Tribute was calmly reading a magazine, cigarette in his mouth, when the bullet blasted his brains out into the girl next to him, bone fragments, bits of brain, and blood splattering her hair and her face as she screamed. Tributes jumped up from where they were in the little FOB made from vacant car's and the one APC there as a rocket whistled from a nearby building and exploded into the APC via an open side-hatch and the explosion tore the APC apart. Tributes scrambled around as the FOB came under attack by unknown assailants. A few Tributes fired back but a wave of the enemy appeared and pinned them down as another wave leap-frogged the first and charged towards the FOB.

I watched grimly as my next shot blew the brains out of a SAW gunner who was trying to set up and as I panned the area, I watched with anxiety as the Brony Soldier's and Warrior's charged the FOB's outer wall of car's and as they hurdled it, Turbosky said next to me, "We have tog o if we want to put up our flag and hold this place as our own."

I nodded and as the fighting continued down below, we ran from the rooftop and went down the ladder leading up to it. As soon as we reached the bottom, Turbosky stopped me and took from my Brony backpack the Brony flag that we had managed to make in short time and we ran with it as we bolted around the corner to face ourselves with the grisly demise of the Tribute members.

Most were lucky and had died with a bullet in them but I watched as a Warrior Brony take a brick and bash a Tributes head in with it. Turbosky seemed sickened by this but I felt nothing and I shook my head as we ran to where the flag pole was and as the last of Tribute resistance was silenced for good, we ripped down the Tribute flag and sent our flag skyward, the image of the sisters Luna and Celestia on either side with the sun on top and moon on the bottom, just like the tapestry was sometimes seen in My Little Pony.

ANd as we watched the flag go up, everyone began to quickly reinforce the FOB as we knew that the Tributes would come to find out what was going on.

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