Day and Night 5: Solarwolf1's operation

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Solarwolf1 didn't stick around to wait and get himself better gear.

Instead, he quickly pursued the Tributes from the FOB as he figured that he could at least get some useful info from trailing the retreating Tributes. As he ran past cars, he tried to make sure he was in sight of at least one Tribute and as he ran around a corner, suddenly a hail of bullets snapped all around him and he gritted his teeth as he ducked down behind a car and fired back.

But hen he heard something hit the ground next to him and instinct took over good judgment and he looked down at the rolling flashbang as his eyes went wide.

The explosion of light and sound deafened and blinded him and as he was scrambling around in the dirt, rough hands grabbed him and locked him in cuffs before dragging him away.

He had been captured.

He heard voices as his vision and hearing slowly came back to him and as he moved his limbs around, he heard someone ask in a quiet tone, "Are you alright?"

He shook his head before he blinked a few times and then his vision cleared to see that he was in a building, more specifically the convention center. He was surrounded by several other Brony's and Pegasisters and as he slowly sat up, one Brony in military uniform looked around before he quietly asked, "Are you a Warrior Brony?"

Solarwolf1 groaned as he sat up and as he looked around, he realized they had been detained into some sort of prison with barbwire and chain-link fencing. He looked back at the Brony as he answered, "Yeah... but why?"

The Brony looked around and Solarwolf1 did too as he saw several other Brony's in military uniform and as the Brony turned back to him, he asked Solarwolf1, "How bad is it going out there?"

"As far as we know, we're winning the war. We just took one of their little FOB's and held off one of their counter-attacks... of course, I was trying to be helpful by following these guys to see what on earth was going on over here.... and then I got captured..."

"Ah... so that's the sort of dumbass you are... figured as much..." The Brony muttered as the two looked around.

Solarwolf1 figured that there had to be maybe a few hundred Brony's and Pegasisters inside this small camp and as he looked around, he realized also where the Tributes were.

Though there seemed to be one or two of them patrolling around, the vast majority was nearby at some tables full of what looked like computers and as he watched them, he asked the Soldier," What exactly are those guys doing?"

"Well... if my guy was correct... you're looking at the command center for the entire Tribute faction..." The soldier said quietly as a guard went right past them behind the fence. Solarwolf1 felt something in his pocket and as he looked down, he saw his personal combat knife stuffed down into on of the pickets of his Brony uniform.

The other Brony saw it and his eyes gleamed as he gave a grin and he quietly muttered to Solarwolf1, "What do we do?"

"We wait till nighttime.... and pray like heck that we don't get caught..."

As soon as nighttime fell, Solarwolf1 was on the prowl with his combat knife in hand. They had figured the best place to break out was away from the command center, at another entrance possibly. And they had found one and the military Bronies has discreetly moved their entire group over there in anticipation of the operation.

And now with night up and the moon somewhat shining down, he quietly shuffled towards the fencing as he approached it. He stopped as he listened to the fencing and when he heard nothing, he went to the fencing and he poked his helmet-head through as he looked around. He saw a Tribute slowly approaching and he just faintly heard the jingling of keys coming from the approaching Tribute.

Lets hope this works like in the movies... He thought as he reached out just as they Tribute passed him.

The knife plunged into the Tributes neck and as the Tribute gave a gurgle, one of the Soldiers ripped the keys off as they laid the Tribute against the fencing as quietly as they could. Then, he gave it to one of the military guys and as he approached one of the padlocks that kept the encampment together and as he slowly twisted it inside the locks, there was a click as the padlock unlocked and as the Bronies quickly began to move, Solarwolf1 looked towards the exit and saw no one was there.

But he knew that now that they were free that they needed to get everyone out as soon as they could and as he watched one of the military guys went to the door and looked outside and then he waved them over and Solarwolf1 looked backed at everyone else and saw several Brony and Pegasisters looking at him.

He finally manned up and head off and as the crowd tried t slowly trickle through the doorway and as Solarwolf1 ducked outside, he tried his darn hardest to get the group back to the FOB, using only the Brony flag waving in the sky as a reference.

I was just watching as the newly donated tanks and War Thunder squadrons touch down and become refitted when I heard some shouts behind me and I turned my head as I saw Solarwolf1 proudly walking towards us with several Brony and Pegasisters behind him. As medics rushed over to help those who were hurt and injured, I grinned as I went to the Brony and asked, "How did you manage this one?"

"Well... it honestly wasn't easy.... I lost a few when we accidently ran into some Tributes on the way here.... Still, it's good to be back." He said with an almost sheepish grin.

I smacked him upside the head.

"Now you learned number one lesson about us: Don't ever go alone!"

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