|54| The Female Titan VI

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The Female Titan VI
Year 850

Within the confines of the Female Titan's large hand, there was nothing but darkness to be seen. I felt like I was about to suffocate and the constant movement of her arm didn't seem to make the situation any better. It only made me feel more nauseous.

From outside, I could hear Eld let out a growl, as he presumably charged at the titan. My theory was proven further, when I felt the beast jolt harshly to the side and I was jerked against her hard palm by the force of the sudden movement.

My heart was skipping and my stomach did several flips, while I desperately attempted to make some kind of sense of my situation.

I should be dead.

Did the titan just forget to squash me? Is that it?

But how could she just forget that?

I was right there: At her mercy and trapped in her grip, yet she made no attempts to hurt me in any way.

I didn't understand what was going on.

It surely wasn't out of her great respect for human life, since she didn't seem to have an issue slaughtering countless soldiers along her way to Eren.

No, there had to be a different reason.

But with my brain throbbing in my skull and the stinging pain in my leg, it was hard to concentrate and come up with a conclusion, so I settled for just trying to take the situation as it was.

There really wasn't much else I could do.

I was powerless.

I was an injured soldier taken hostage by a far superior enemy.

All I could hope for was rescue from my fellow teammates, though they probably believed me to be dead already.

They had no reasons to believe the Female Titan would keep me alive. It had no reason to...Yet here I was. Alive, even though I knew I shouldn't be-


I felt the titan stumble back, her arms moving upwards, as if she was using them to protect her nape.

The titan's back seemed to hit against a harsh surface, as she sunk down to her knees.

Hold up, did Eld's strike land?

The titan had stopped moving, but that didn't keep my squad from attacking her, one cut after another slicing through the titan's flesh.

I could hear each slice, each pant from the relentless soldiers and each cheer whenever they got closer to fulfilling their mission.

The hand I was trapped in slowly began sinking downwards, until it suddenly sank rapidly, as if the shoulder muscle had been cut off and the Female Titan couldn't hold her arm up infront of her nape any longer.

"LET'S GO FOR THE NECK!", Eld bellowed and I could hear the hissing of his gas become louder, as he quickly charged for the titan.

"TAKE OUT THE MUSCLES SUPPORTING HER HEAD!", Oluo joined in with a shout.

"LET'S CHUCK OUR WAY TO THE NAPE!", I heard Petra cry at last, as all three of the remaining squad members went for the attack.

Eld's voice sounded close--as if he was directly at the titan's head now. He yelled something, but was abruptly cut off mid-shout.

All I heard was the clicking of hungry teeth. A gigantic mouth snapping shut and then a gut-wrenching crunch.

Don't tell me-

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