Moondrop x Robot reader ♥️🖤

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requested by:ASunny1

(thx to the person who requested this that even drew a design for the yn character in this it helped gave me an idea on how to write for the character with a look now pictured in my mind)

The sounds of the children screaming and laughing throughout the daycare was all I could hear. "hey hey miss yn look what I made" I looked down at the kid below me who handed me a drawing of what seemed to be of me and Sun with them in the middle. "ah well thank you here I'll put it up with the others" I pat their head not worrying about hurting the child since my paws/hands were like a plushie filled with stuffing. I walked over to the wall of artwork from the children there was only a space at the top where I could fit the picture. Trying my best to reach but my short stubby legs and arms weren't enough to reach I was taller then the kids about the height of an average size of an adult. Sunrise was much taller and much more suited for this, "hmmm yn here let me!" Sunrise appeared behind me while he was holding a smaller kid that seemed to be asleep. He grabbed the picture from me and easily placed it on the wall, it really did help being 9ft tall. "there we go anyway I should get back to watching the kids!" he smiled and left. Once they made me they said Sunrise went through an upgrade and now he can actually change his facial expression, apparently there were others but it didn't seem like there were. "hey miss yn can I have a hug!" another kid came up with his arms out I nodded and hugged the boy. "hey me too" "yeah me me" a bunch of other kids came up asking for hugs giving them all one at once they all shoved their heads into my stomach which acted as a cushion for a lot of kids that would fall asleep during the day. eventually all the kids let go of me and ran off to play. "welp Sunny the place will be closing soon we should get ready to finish off for the day" I sighed out giving my arms a stretch. Surprisingly even tho we are robots they made us as human like as possible even in areas that we probably didn't need. I'm glad I can feel almost like a human that way I can understand the kids better.

Another half hour passed and almost all the kids had been picked up, while Sunny kept the last 4 company I went to clean up the daycare. I noticed as I cleaned the last 4 kids getting picked up by their carers one by one eventually just leaving me and Sunrise on our own like every night.

At least we thought we were alone

as I made my way over to Sunny I noticed a little girl out of the corner of my eye sneak over towards the light switch. "hey kid what are you still doing here!" I turned around soon realising it was Charlotte a troublesome kid that always caused mischief around here. She had yet to be banned buy Sunny but that was going to change very soon. "HEY CHARLOTTE DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" Sunrise yelled he knew Moons files were corrupted as of the moment and he didn't want him getting let out. He especially didn't want yn's first impression of him to be what he is at the moment.

the kid didn't listen of course and turned the lights off, I knew Sunrise demanded that the lights stay on at all times so this definitely was gonna get her banned. I looked over at Sunrise to see what he'd do put when I turned around he was gone and another animatronic that was similar to him was there in his stead. "What a naughty little brat you are tch tch tch" his raspy voice echoed through the daycare as he made his way to the child who was now frozen with fear. He reached the kid and something in my stomach told me this wasn't good, reaching for the kids hair and pulling her up to meet his eyes as she screamed and cried in fear. "hurry up and sleep kid I don't wanna hear that whining!" he hissed as he threw the child into the wall. "HEY DON'T DO THAT YOU'LL HURT HER, children are fragile!" I ran over to him pulling him away from the kid. "who do you think you are, don't you agree that the kid is a brat?" he turned to look down at me, a scowl on his face. "well yes she is but that isn't how you deal with it!" I huffed at him as I picked the child up. "listen kid your banned never come back here got it!" I told her as I threw her out the door, the other animatronics can do as they please with her but I don't want a kids death to be blamed on an animatronic working in the daycare. "tch whatever I'm going to lay down" The other animatronic walked off and layed down in the middle of the daycare floor. "heeey I'm right here you know!" I ran over to him jumping onto him. "OI the hell!?" he sat up looking at me. "just who are you and where is Sunrise!" I gave light punches to his chest as he looked at me with boredom in his eyes. "well if you must know starlight I'm Moondrop!" he Huffed as my mind just processed what he'd called me. "hey my name is yn well it's what I like to be called I never liked my given animatronic name" I sighed they gave me such a lame name of stuffy like the hell is that. "fine then Yn it is" he layed back down on his back, hands resting under his head. "oh so your Moondrop, Sunrise never said anything about you tho?" I went to grab his hat but he stopped me. "of course he didn't hmm now that pissed me off more, I know how about I steal you from him I'll claim you since he hasn't!" Moondrop smiled sickly as he gripped onto my plush hips. "huh claim? how so" I was slightly confused on what he ment.

"Gah!? no Mondrop not THAT!?" - sun

Moondrop let out a small laugh god knows at what as he tore off my clothing and he looked somewhat disappointed. "hey this isn't appropriate you know and what's with the disappointment?" I asked as he just huffed before responding. "y-you have no boobs?" he just felt up my chest while scowling. "well why would I?, I'm not exactly a human and I'm not exactly a girl or a guy, some of the kids refer to me as a girl others as a boy" I said as I went to pull my clothes back on but was stopped. "then what about down here!" Moondrop stopped me as he fully pulled my clothes off revealing again absolutely nothing again well not easily seen at least. "see nothing, nothing at all!" I felt hot as embarrassment crept in on me, trying my best to defuse the situation. "seriously no way they gave me male genitalia and Sunrise too so where's yours!?" Moondrop got really pissed thinking that his idea was ruined. He felt his way around my fluff before his finger slipped it's way into a small hole that had a silicone inside. "ah huh found it starlight!" he smirked happy to find the small opening for him to place himself inside. "ahh please be gentle!" I asked as he felt around my insides with his fingers. Pulling down his pants he revealed his tentacle like cock and placed it Infront of my entrance. "ah wait I'm not prepaaaaaared!" I let out a long moan as he pushed it in removing his fingers and grabbing my hips while Bucking his. "ahaa now this is something else damm so tight starlight, no way am I letting Sun have everything he can suck it up and deal with it" Moondrop laughed as he sped up. everything was going blurry my systems were overheating way to much I felt myself glitching out as he relentlessly fucked me.

"now who's you're favourite hmm, starlight~?" Moondrop smiled with a laugh as he whispered to me.

wow wow wow sorry about the wait but while writing this we just hit 200k thank you so much consider this a 200k reads special thx once we hit 3k votes I'll make a smut special for Moondrop and a fluff special for Sunrise so look forward to that😎 anyway hope this was enjoyable for everyone. I tried my best to make this smut gender inclusive but yeah sorry if it didn't seem like it.

word count 1502

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