Sunrise x reader smut pt 1 🖤

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(🖤 I might put a black heart for smut too btw and ♥️ for fluff and 💙 for angst if I do it 🤔)

and yeah this means this is spicy smut so yeah anyway this part and the next part will be smut but after that I'll do some fluff and all that😗 anyway onto the story.

The new Freddy Fazbears mega pizza plex that opened up just 5 months ago (some may not consider it new but I do so like😒) was booming, and of course it was expensive too me and my friends wanted to go and see if the place was as big inside as people made out but as young adults who half of us were in college or working in a place like MacDonald's so we had no income to be able to afford it at least at first. Now 4 months of saving had payed off all 5 of us had now got the money and were ready to go. Now we were just trying to enjoy ourselves in the place but kept getting strange looks from stinking adults, what just because we ain't below the age of flipping 13 we can't be here !. Honestly we weren't really going near any of the kiddy stuff just playing some of the arcade machines and exploring and boy was it big like my god!. I ended up getting seperated from my friends at one point and ended up next to the daycare area. I sat down to take a breather when I overheard some kids near me talking their childish nonsense. "hey did you know the robots here can turn into a person" an older kid said to presumably his little sibling "nah uh no way not at all not possible!" The other huffed crossing their arms and sticking their tongue out. "no I'm being for real legit I saw it for myself!" the kid continued to spout bullshit left and right. I swear this is why I hate kids and their make believe lies!. I sighed as I made my way back to the main area meeting back up with my friends, the place was shutting soon evident by the people exiting the building. "Guess we should get going" I sighed ready to leave, "hang on a minute, earlier I fooled a kid into giving me $30 for a small cheap ass toy, and I'll give it to anyone who stays overnight!" My friend Cathy who waved it in our faces, smirking. "oh no I'm not doing that keep you're $30 measly bucks" Rachel said. The other 2 nodding in agreement. "awww come on I'll add an extra $20!" Cathey again tried to bribe us into but none of us would budge of course, right yeah no way...

'goddammit' I thought as I hid in one of the bathrooms as my friends made their way out with the rest of the guests. I was barley scrappy by and that bitch knew I'd accept, I need the money for rent or I'm done. After playing a game on my phone for awhile I finally made my exit once it was about 30 minutes after closing and sure enough the doors were locked and here I am trapped until 6am. I walked around for a bit and decided why not explore a bit more. I was doing fine until I heard a voice behind me only to turn around and see Chica, she looked at me for a moment before charging at me oh crap what the FUCK! I ran for dear life not wanting to find out what she'd do if she got me. I ran away until I lost her, I was now once again next to the daycare area. I hadn't been in there because only under 5s went in their and it'd be awkward if I didn't have a little kid with me so I didn't earlier but now. I searched for a bit and found a daycare pass some kid must of dropped it lucky me. I made my way in and saw a massive statue of an animatronic, oh pls don't tell me there's one in here too oh well I'll just have to see I sighed as I made my way over to the slide. I hopped in and down I went soon falling into a ball pit. "huh interesting" I said to myself as I got out of the ball pit, I made my way over to where the tables were. Somehow all the lights were on I'd expect them to be off but oh well the more I can see my surroundings the better. I made my way over there and when I did I saw a boy with blonde hair and a clown like outfit with some crayons colouring something. no way someone's still here wait is he human it feels like he isn't ? I thought as I was about to back up and go hide I knocked over some cans causing them to fall over with a bang!. "huh what's that?" the boy at the colouring table lifted his head looking at the detection of the noise. I quickly ran in one of the play structures as he made his way over. "AH! what a mess! Where's the top ah the bottom ah clean up clean up!" The boy semi screamed as he fixed up the mess that was made. I think he didn't notice me thank god I was about to let out a sigh of relief but a mouse had crawled into the area and in one quick step I let out a scream as I ran out of the play structure and right into the boys sight. I soon realised what I had done mentally smacking myself for being a big idiot. "ah new friend!" The boy shouted as he pulled me into a hug this was when I knew he wasn't human, he felt like metal but still soft somehow and I could see the metal joint in his neck this guy is an animatronic! I thought as I didn't know whether to be relieved or scared. "hmm wait a minute how old are you, you don't seem like a kid?" He clocked his head to the side, a finger on his chin. "uhh well I'm not I'm actually a young adult "( like 18-25 you pick) I said as I looked at him and his clothes began to become more recognisable to me. "hang on a minute are you Sunrise?" I asked and the boy paused for a moment before grinning widely. "WHY of course I am who would I be ROXY! haha no obviously not" his voice was cheery as he sun around skipping slightly. "it's just the statue and you look much different, you look well.. more human?" I said as he seemed to think for a minute before flipping out. "WHA! your right friend!, you weren't ment to see this we have strict rules to keep our human Side's hidden!" He sighed out as he seemed to realise his mistake. "please you've gotta keep it a secret!" he grabbed hold of my shoulders softly. "uhh yeah sure I'm good with secrets so why not" I sighed not wanting to cause a problem. "hey so like this is a shocker you guys have Human forms huh?" I thought can't believe what that kid said was true damm. I looked over the animatronic and I must say he wasn't half bad when it came to looks, wait the hell am I thinking!. "hey so is this a sleepover or something ah I LOVE sleepover parties!" he said cheering as he picked me up and brought me over to one of the tables. "hey so what do you want to do, I have googly eyes, glitter glue Ohhh and glitter lots of glitter!, and one more thing there's only one rule keep the lights on ON!" he rambled on about all these child like activities, well he is a daycare assistant for a reason and a rule of keeping the lights on. "uhh I'm not sure, I'm kinda curious to go further inside the play structure but I'm too old for that sooo" I sighed, honestly it looked like a lot of fun. "hmm there's no age restriction on fun missy hahaa, OH I know how about hide n seek or oooohh a game of chase!" He clapped his hands together pointing to the play structure. "hmm sure why not" I got up running into the massive structure as Sunrise covered his eyes and started counting to 30. I ran/crawled through it as I got lost a few times but found a nice spot to hide. I heard the males voice call out as he also entered the structure. He was fast and soon found me. "hahaaha I found you!" He yelled as I tried to run off away from him so he could try and catch me put my stupid shirt got caught on one of the many wires causing it to rip and get pulled down so now my tits fell out revealing my boring old yellow bra with black lacing around the edge. (kinda cheesy isn't it and is it cliche probably but who cares... maybe you do but oh well to bad!) "hahaa too slow!" Sunrise caught me as I had stopped and wrapped his arms around me and was quick to notice the change in clothes. "HUH? woah woah missy nudity is not allowed! AH I should of said that with the lights rule aahh?" He fumbled over his words as he let go of me. "oh sorry my shirt got caught on one of the wires and pulled my shirt down, oh crap it even ripped the bottom" I sighed out as my shirt was in need of a needle & thread. "ah whatever I can fix it later just let me pull this up" I turned to Sunrise and noticed the boy's face was a bright pink. "hmm what's the matter" I asked as he grabbed hold of my hand, I tried to guess what he was thinking and as I scanned downwards more my eyes layed themselves onto the tent that formed in his pants. NO, really! does he... I- my mind was racing and I acted without thinking and reached for the hem of his pants. Pulling them down to reveal the suprisingly big thing displayed to me as of now. "HEY HEY HEY!" he covered himself as he became heavily embarrassed. I sat there for a minute before it hit me what I'd done, I'm honestly not the shy type but suddenly my face was heated and everything got hot. "uh sorry, I-" I was interrupted by a kiss I didn't expect it but his lips were surprisingly soft, I felt a grip on my hips as I'm pulled under him. "hmm I guess since it's after hours and just us, I won't ban you but you need to stick to what you signed up for" He grinned widely as he lifted my shirt up to once again reveal my bra. I nodded quickly as he placed his hands onto my chest giving it a quick squish. "hmm now now missy what should I call you huh?" he whispered as he danced his fingers along my side "y/n, my name that is" I sighed out as he reached towards my pants. He grabbed them and slowly pulled them down and my underwear with them. "oh WOW I've never seen a girls area before at least not in person, Monty once lent me a porn book and I first saw it in there" Sunrise said as he ran his hand down my inner thigh. I just nodded again I couldn't form any words it was too embarrassing. I looked down at him and he reached down and drew circles around my clit. "ngm!" I was still a virgin when it came to someone elses touch I'd only ever touched myself and used my hand a few times. Sunrise leaned down and placed his lips onto my clit as he gave it a light lick before lightly sucking on it. "hmm!" I used one of my hands to cover my mouth and the other to find it's way to the yellow spikey hair of the animatronic below me. The feeling that ran through my body as I felt the pleasure that was being given by this animatronic. " Missy yn you taste amazing my MY!" he giggled as he lined himself with my entrance. Pushing in slowly, my walls were stretched out as he fully entered me. "HMMm!" I moaned as he pulled back and pushed back in. "here, here sit!" Sunrise pulled me up as he gripped my hips and started moving me up and down on his dick "haa! mmm" I wrapped my arms around his neck, we were in such a tight area there wasn't much room to move but honestly I didn't really care at this point. "haaha woWie my sensors feel like there on FIRE!" Sunrise picked up the pace a bit as he got slightly faster still soft tho, not too rough. "Mmm S-sunny" the nickname just left my lips as I felt my stomach tighten from the pleasure. I felt him twitch inside me, it was crazy how an animatronic could do this and feel so good back when I was little the old ones could never or could they who knows?. His pace was not slowing down or picking up it stayed the same never giving me a break. I finally snapped as the orgasm shot through me, Cumming all over the dick that was still in me. He kept going until finally I felt something warm in me did he, ... no can he?! I thought as was once again shocked by something I didn't expect. "mmm miss yn that was the haah best!" he sighed out as he leaned his head on my shoulder, I was almost falling asleep when I heard someone enter the daycare "huh, the hell these lights are just wasting power damm can't anyone ever turn them off!" I heard a women's voice as the lights went off making it pitch black, she must of turned them off. "NO! Vanessa turned the lights off, LIGHTS ON, ON." Sunrise started to freak out, screaming, seemingly in pain. His face started to change as well as his hair and clothing, just what was happening?!.

part 2 will be up soon I hope and I'm sure if you haven't guessed it Moon/Moondrop will be in the next part so like😶👌

word count: 2457

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