A woman's faint accent can be heard in a dark alley. There are two men trying to rob her and to do evil things to her.
Please,,you can take all my money and all my things,,just spare me please...the girl said in a pleading voice
her body was shaking because of the fear that she was feeling
Hahaha.....yes,baby....you don't have to worry about that...said the bad guy
We will take all your money and all your things like what you've said.. he continue,,with evil smirk on his faceJust take all of it,,,but please let me go..said the lady with trembling voice,,tears now running down on her face,
Ohw,,don't cry baby...we will take good care of you huh...don't be scared....the bad guy both laughed evily,,holding her arms firmly
The guy,,caressing her face and then sniffed her neck still holding her arms firmly while the other guy pointing the knife in her side
Hmmm,,... you smell like heaven... I can't wait to taste you,,he whisper to the girls ear
The woman was horrified of what the bad guy said..Her eyes widened..
Her heart was beating so fast that it seemed like want to explode..
She's really really scared...She don't know what to do on how can she scape this two maniac robberer...The man in front of her holding her arms hardly,,and the other man is pointing a knife ready to stabbed her if she try to scape..Is this going to be the end of my life..I asked myself while I was still crying..I am not yet ready to die now...I still have so many things that I want to do in my life
Please someone help me,,someone save me from this men, ,I prayed fervently...Hey, let's take her to a place where no one can see and hear us and no one can hear her scream in pleasure....
the other guy said maniacally while grinning at the woman who 'was about to faint due to the extreme fear that she was feelingNo...no..no...please......no...please let me go....the girl begging the men for her dear life..her tears falling down non-stop
We will let you go,,after we're done with you...after you makes us both happy...and after I hear you scream my name in pleasure...haha..ohh..fuck...I can't wait to hear that...said the guy,,staring at her full of lust...
C'mon let's go..grabbing the woman's waist,while guiding her away from that place..Ahhhmmmm,,hey excuse me Mr. bad guys,,said the woman who was now five feet behind them..
Where are you going to take this girl,,
What are you trying to do with her..the woman asked continueslyHuh..?!.the two men we're startled by the sudden appearance of the woman behind them
They looked at the woman from head to toe and vice versa.
The woman was wearing black hoodie,with black pants and boots and she's also wearing black maskHey who are you?!they asked the woman
I can see that she's not happy with your company..,she continue talking not answering the question of those men
See,,she's crying...And I think she's praying that someone will help to save her from you..The woman stared at me, even though she was still crying...
Hhmm she's beautiful.. I saw her pleading for me to save her which can be seen on her beautiful face..Her dark brown eyes is begging..I looked over to the girl who was beside the two men
Hey,,don't worry ok.... Stop crying now. I will help you..
I told the woman to relieve the intense fear that she was feeling and experiencing
I can see that she gave me a little nod...eventhough she's still scared..
I gave her a little smile eventhough she will not be able to see it because I am wearing a maskWoahh,,haha really..!? the men both laughed
your saving this girl?!
ahhh why don't you just go and sleep soundly instead of interfering in our business here..he said angrilyI shifted my gazed to the two men..
Can you please just let her go..I said calmlyWhy are you so eager trying to save her..Who is she to you?
Because I am the Guardian... I am saving people from bad actor/villain and criminal person like you
So let....her...go...I said sternlyand why would we do that? Who are you to command us?! the man asked furiosly
So we can avoid hurting and fighting each other..And I already told you,,I am the Guardian...I said confidently
Oh,,is that so..? the man said cockily
Are you saying ,,, you will fight us?! the two of us?!
he asked sounded like it is impossible for me to fight and win over themYes..I simply said
Hmmm,,trying to be a hero huh? Ok let's see what you've got..
You are digging your own grave ladyAm I?..

The Guardian
FanfictionIn the quiet corners of the town, a mysterious figure roams the streets, donning black pants, black combat boots, a black hoodie, and a black mask. She is known as the Guardian, a vigilant protector who dedicates herself to maintaining the peace and...