I Like You

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Marcus' POV
It worked. My plan actually worked. This is great! Avery will never want to get back with Adam now that she saw him kiss Morgan.

"How's your ice cream?" I ask trying to make small talk.
"It's okay." She says looking down, barely touching it.
"Do you just wanna go ahead back to your house?" I ask honestly feeling bad for her.
"Yeah. That would be nice." She says faking a smile.
"Okay well hop in the car." I say opening her door.
~Skip the car ride~
Avery's POV
I'm still pretty bummed about the whole Adam and Morgan thing but I'm trying not to show it. I don't think it's really working. I'm pretty sure Marcus realized I'm gonna continue to be in a horrible mood by the time we walked in my door.
"We don't have to start the project right now, let's just do something fun to take your mind off things, okay?" Marcus says smiling.
"Sure. What did you want to do?" I ask trying to seem somewhat happy.
"How about we watch a movie and order some pizza? I'll pay." He says already taking out his phone to dial the nearest dominos.
"Sounds great. I'll go get a couple movies and we can pick which looks better." I say walking upstairs to the movie room. I come back with The Notebook, The Avengers, Mockingjay Part I, Million Dollar Arm, and my favorite Tangled. I used to make Adam watch Tangled with me before he.. you know..
"Hey I got a couple movies we could wat.." I stop when I realize Marcus has my phone in his hands reading something. "What are you doing?"
"Your phone kept buzzing and I wanted to make sure it wasn't your mom or someone important calling." He says handing it back to me. "It was Adam texting you." He says looking down. "He wanted to know if he could talk to you tonight."
"Oh." I say.
"Yeah." He says sticking his hands in his pockets. " If you wanna talk to him I can just go home."
"No it's fine, I made plans with you and I don't feel like talking to him now anyway." I say walking towards him.
"Perfect." Marcus says a little creepy.
"Basically I brought 5 movies we could watch. You can pick your favorite.." I say placing them on the table in front of us.
"Which movie do you like the best?" He says taking my hand in his. I pull it away quickly.
"Um I really like Tangled." I say feeling awkward.
"Great, then it's decided we will watch Tangled!" He says getting up to put it on.
"Yay!" I exclaim clapping my hands together. "Did you order the pizza?" I ask hearing my stomach growl.
"Not yet I wanted to ask what kind you liked first." He says sweetly.
"Oh I prefer just cheese. But you can get whatever you want." I say getting us some drinks.
"I like cheese too, so it's all good." He says dialing Dominos number.
As he dials the number I get another text from Adam.
It really wasn't what it looked like Avery. I promise. I would never hurt you and I love you.
"Well you should've thought about that before you did it." I reply feeling proud of myself for not becoming weak.
"Hey Marcus the movie just came on! Come sit with me!" I say super excited.
"Okay okay, I'm coming!" He says laughingly. Marcus sits down right beside me, leaving about two inches of space between us.
About 1/4 of the way through the movie we hear the doorbell ring.
"That's probably the pizza, I'll go get it." Marcus says getting up leaving me pretty cold without his body heat. I grab the blanket that just so happens to be on the back of the couch from when Adam and I had a movie date.
"Hey the pizza is here. How many slices do you want me to bring you?" Marcus yells over the movie.
"I'll take two!" I yell back. As he brings the pizza back I throw the blanket over both of us since I swear it dropped 10 degrees since he got up.
"Are you really that cold? You're shivering!" He says scooting closer to me and putting his arm around me. I swear this guy is smooth af.
"Yeah I get really cold fast. When I used to get cold Adam would..." I stop myself. This is supposed to be a way for me to get over him.
"What would he do?" Marcus asks cocking his head to the side.
"Oh it's nothing." I say blushing and looking away.
"No tell me, I wanna know!" He says sitting up and smiling.
"Okay. Well whenever I was cold he would pull me into his lap and just wrap his arms around my waist and pull me close so that I could feel his body heat. And if I was still cold after that he would lay me down and kiss me. It was really cute." I say blushing a little.
"That is pretty cute. But I could probably do it better." Marcus says with a cheeky grin.
"Oh really?" I say being cheeky right back just as a joke. "I don't believe you."
"Watch." He says and literally pulls me onto his lap. I burst into a fit of giggles, not taking any of this seriously. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer than I thought possible. "Did Adam hold you like this?" He says biting his lip, and rubbing his hands up and down my back. "Could he caress you like I can?" He says and making me feel tingly inside.
"H-he.." I stutter not being able to speak correctly.
"Shhhh. Don't speak I already know the answer." He says with a really attractive smirk. Right when I think he's about to let me get off of him he flips us over so that I'm laying down and he's on top of me. Marcus has one hand under my back for support and the other on my waist to keep him upright.
I can't help but to laugh a little, that is until I feel something hard pressed against my abdomen. "I-I like you Avery. Do you see the things you do to me? You make me feel better than I've ever felt before. You make things happen to me that's never happened before. I need you." He says making me feel uncomfortable and then starts to do the unthinkable. He leans down to kiss me, and for a minute I think about letting him. But before his lips reach mine I stop.
"We can't do this. I'm still in love with Adam, I don't want to do this to him. Even if he hurt me, I just can't. It's not right." I say pushing Marcus off of me.
"I thought you wanted to forget Adam?" Marcus says looking hurt.
"I-I don't. I could never forget what we had. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me." I say smiling to myself.
"I-I understand." He says looking more angry than sad. "I'll just be going then." He says grabbing his jacket and phone. "Tonight was fun Avery. Just think about what I said. Don't let old feelings get the best of you. You're better than that." And with that he walks out the door.
"What did I just do?" I say pushing my hand through my hair. "I need fresh air." I say barely able to breathe.
"Why does this have to be so complicated?!?" I practically scream to no one. "If Adam hadn't kissed Morgan everything would've been perfectly fine!" I start to cry. But a shadow comes in front of me and I almost piss my pants.
"Shit!" I yell jumping back. Bree scared the crap outta me.
"Woah woah. It's just me!" She says putting her hands up.
"I'm so sorry, I just didn't know who you were. This day just keeps getting worse." I say beyond frustrated.
"I heard what happened." Bree says and takes a seat next to me. "And Adam didn't kiss Morgan. She kissed him. Adam tried to push her off of him but she wouldn't budge. And I heard Morgan talking about it in the bathroom it was her idea to break you guys up." Bree says putting her hand on my shoulder.
"I didn't know that. Oh god I'm horrible." I say feeling like crap. "I didn't even let him explain. And then Marcus came over and tried to kiss me and I almost let him." I say mainly talking to myself.
"Woah woah woah. Wait what? Marcus came over and almost kissed you?" She says looking shocked.
"Y-yeah. But I didn't let him. I told him that I love Adam and would never try to hurt him." I say embarrassed. "Marcus told me he liked me."
"Oh boy. You don't like him back right?" She says looking concerned.
"I honestly don't know. I want to believe I dont, but I almost let him kiss me. Does that mean anything?" I ask very confused.
"I don't know. I don't think it does since you wouldn't let him and told him you like Adam." Bree says making me feel slightly better. "Don't worry about it. Just text Adam tonight, okay? He came home and actually cried. He never cries. You mean a lot to him, and y'all are literally the perfect couple. Please at least think about it." Bree says with a small smile.
"I will." I say standing up.
"Well it's getting pretty late, I better head back home. And Avery." Bree says looking back.
"Yeah?" I say.
"You did the right thing." She says smiling.
"I hope so." I mutter to myself.
As I head back inside I start to think about Adam and what I put him through. I broke up with him for something that didn't even happen, i wouldn't answer his texts, and I almost kissed his enemy. Does he even deserve me? Should I even text him after all I've done?
I guess he deserves to at least know I'm thinking about him.

Im really sorry, it honestly wasn't what it looked like. Morgan kissed me, I never kissed nor wanted to kiss her. My heart only wants you.-Adam
I know. Bree told me. I'm horrible for not letting you explain.-Avery
No! You aren't the one that's horrible, I am. I should've tried to stop you when you were running away. I should've been there for you, but I wasn't. I was in shock and couldn't think straight. I felt like complete shit.-Adam
Aw Adam. Don't feel bad I love you.-Avery
I love you too. I actually love you more than I thought possible. You're the only girl I see myself with. No one else could compare to you.-Adam
You're the only person I can see myself with too.-Avery
Then I guess our love is just meant to be.-Adam
I guess so. We might as well just go get married right now!-Avery
Okay, Mrs. Davenport.-Adam
We are so weird. And that's why we love each other.-Avery
I wouldn't want to be weird with anyone else.-Adam
Can I come over for a few and talk to you?-Adam
Yeah. There's something I need to tell you too.-Avery

There's a knock at my door.
"Come in its unlocked!" I yell.
"Hey, I missed you so much." Adam says picking me up in a hug.
"I've missed you too." I say smiling super hard.
"Let's try to never fight again." Adam says holding my hand.
"Okay. Deal." I say laughing.
"Wait what did you have to tell me?" He says looking into my eyes.
"Right. Well Marcus came over today after the big downfall happened... And he tried to kiss me.." I say not daring to look into his eyes.
"WHAT?!" Adam yells clenching his fist with my hand in it. "Oh god I'm so sorry. But why would he do that? Who gave him the right? When I see him oooh I don't even know what I'm gonna do." Adam says walking around furiously.
"Adam calm down please." I say putting my hand on his shoulder.
"D-did you let him?" He says revealing a softer side that I've never seen before.
"N-no, I stopped before we kissed. I told him I loved you and wasn't going to hurt you." I say trying to read his emotionless face.
"B-but you were gonna kiss him?" He says looking hurt.
"No, I knew I loved you and only you. I knew that I only wanted you." I say giving him a hug.
"Okay. Phew." He says wiping the nonexistent sweat off his forehead. "I love you so much Avery Nicole Stone." He says playing with my fingers.
"And I love you even more Adam Charles Davenport." I say giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
And with that we both smile and look at the clock and realize it's 10:30.
"Oh crap I better get home before Mr. Davenport cuts on the security system!" Adam says giving me a quick kiss. He starts to walk out the door and then stops and turns around. "Oh and good night, I love you babe." He says with a wink making my cheeks blush.
"Good night goofball." I say closing the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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