Chapter 1

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"Oii! Sapnap! Come on or we gonna be late for training!!" "Alright, alright... I'm coming geez.."

Sapnap go down stairs and taking the sandwich from the plate on the table that Niki make for them. "Hey!! Eat slowly or you will choked, and don't forget your water bottle!!" "Yeah Niki! I will be going now!!" Sapnap take his bottle on the table and run off. Niki sigh 'this boys never learn to take care themselves ay...' She smiles and continue wash the dishes.

Sapnap POV

I ran go outside where George wait for me. "You're late" he said crossed his hand with hi face angry looking. "Okay it's my fault I stay up all night okay.." I said he just pout. "Don't be mad Gogy~" "I'm not. Come on we're going to go now." He turned and walk away.

"Okay..." We walk together to the training room. It big enough for us soldier to trained. All the soldier are waiting our captain. At least we arrive before her if not, our training will be double.

We headed to Techno, Wilbur, Fundy and Illumina. "What do you think captain need us? She suddenly just said we had a meeting the next day yesterday." Wilbur said and Techno agreed with it. "Maybe our supplier were not enough now. If not, then something could have happened" Fundy said.

"your right maybe" Illumina nodded. Now Quackity come to them and greeting them. All of them talk awhile before they captain arrived. After 2 minutes, a women enter the room with one of her hand man. She wears a black mask covered her mouth, 😷 (like this ok) and she hold document.

With her hair tied up, no one now how her full face look like. Her clothes only wear oversized hoodie with black tracksuit.

(No one POV)

The captain stand in front of all the soldier. "Alright everyone!! Listen the information only once!! I will not make it twice, so no sound." Everyone stay silent before the captain continue to speak.

"As you can see, all our supplier, food and drink are not enough for us. So I need every group, go in a different direction to get all those thing as many as you can." She said and read the document that she brought.

"We also need an extra gun. So each of group need to find it at least 5 gun and the refill. Take your time to find all those and come back safely. Reminder, if you see a survivor brought them back safely. I don't want like the last time, treat the survivor first and see if they get bitten. If you can't see any of it, and bring them here then they turned into zombie, it's not your fault. we need to put them in cell immediately."

The captain stop awhile. "Are we clear here!!" "YES MA'AM!!" "Good all of you will be ready to take leave in the next morning. Prepare all the things you need tonight" "YES MA'AM". "Go back to train don't overworked yourselves, get rest and good luck"

The captain walk to where she come in. All the soldier making a plan for tomorrow. Sapnap, George, Wilbur, Technoblade, Fundy, Quackity, Illumina, Sam is in the same group. Not only that there are also three member left but still training as a healer.

Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo as the healer, they also can defend themselves which is quite empress. But Tommy sometimes be the soldier training with them which he can do both. Tubbo likes to be the healer as well as Ranboo.

The night went well, everyone prepared all the things. After that, they are going to tell all the information to the other three member of them. Then, they go to their room and get some rest.

[The Next Day]

All the soldier ready to go in the group. Every group saying goodbye to their family, and some of them are their friends. Sapnap team were about to take a leave, the captain come towards them. "Good morning ma'am!" Fundy said along the others. "Good morning". "What are you doing here ma'am?". Quackity ask.

The captain taking a deep breath then exhale. "I have one mission for all of you" she reach out to her pocket and take something like a photo. "I need you to find this boy, if you see it don't scare him away. Talk to him in a soft tone, if you can't find him tell me on the walkie-talkie. Are you clear?"

"Yes Ma'am!" The team said. She handed the photo to Quackity and say goodbye to them. Quackity look at the photo that his captain gave him. Wilbur also looking at the photo besides him trying to memorize the face in the photo.

"What do you think captain gave us this? She should gave this to another group but why us?" Wilbur ask still mesmerizing the photo. "Don't know. We better go now." Quackity put the photo on his pocket, and go into the car. (I don't know what car just imagine big car ok).

They are going to use three car, the first car Quackity will be driving. Second car is Wilbur, third car is Sapnap. Quackity will be in the front to drive and the two of them follow him.



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