Chapter One

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Okay, So you could read this without reading 'New member for the Hawaii 5-0 team' but you may not get some of it :L These Chapters work from when Steve leaves in 'New memeber for the Hawaii 5-0 team' so if you read that first and when you get to parts where Steve's not there you can read this and understand it  :D 

Steve’s Story, Chapter One

I was walking through the slums of Korea, avoiding the mini lakes that were being created by the down pour of rain descending on me. I only had the cameo jacket that I had come with and I was still soaked to skin though that, I was glad that I still had another T-Shirt and pants in the waterproof bag settled on my shoulders. I came to the ally way that I needed taking it, it led to a small blue doorway at the end of the alley; knocking it once a slight old man slowly pulled the stiff door open looking at me with weary eyes.

“What do you?” he asked bitterly in Korean, he looked me up and down he reached for something on table that I could see just inside the door. I quickly reached round and pulled a 9mm out of my waistband training on the clearly not so frail old man. I moved away from the table, allowing the door to open some more, I got a good look of the inside of the house which seemed to fairly neat except from the odd paper or box scattered around.  “What do you want?” he asked again except this time it was in English.

“I’m looking for Amida” I commanded, reaching into my pocket pulling out a note which was equivalent to a fifty dollar bill. I held it up with my left hand in front of the man’s face, who instantly became interested.

“Who’s asking?” he growled clearly not impressed with my being here.

“McGarrett, Steve McGarrett”

“Ahh, I though it might be you, follow me” he announced turning round leaving the door open for me to follow, I cautiously followed him sweeping the rooms and corridor as I went, when I finally got further in found the man sat on a cushion  in the middle of the room with a table in front of him. “Please sit down” he offered waving at the other cushion on the other side of the table. I moved towards it checking around it before sitting down. I looked at him and smiled, it was a sly creepy sort of smile, which sent chills though you.  He poured amber liquid into two cups, taking one for himself and them pacing another to me, I nodded my thank you and took a tentative sip realising it was a classic and traditional Korean tea, I took another sip then placed the cup on the table.

“How do you know that I was coming?” I asked

“Mr White got message to me that you were coming, so I knew you would be appearing soon” he said matter of factly

“Jo spoke to you?”

“Yes, me and Mr White go back he is a good friend” he muttered drinking some more of the tea, I followed suit drinking the rest of the cup in one go; It was refreshing and hot which was bonus to how I had been living for the last few days.

“Can I trust what you say?” I asked setting the cup on the table and reaching for my gun which was on my lap.

“No Mr McGarrett you cannot trust me” I blink furiously trying to clear the clouding which was coming over me, the gun which I held that in my hands was shaking feverishly, I couldn’t keep it still.

“What did you put in my tea?” I commanded, trying to keep my voice hard and firm, but I couldn’t my words slurred and stuttered; the next thing I knew I was looking at the legs of the table.

Hey peoples, So I had a couple of people ask me and becasue its my Birthday ;) about doing something on Steve while he was away looking for Shelburn; so I exactly that. This and the next few chapters will be of Steve looking for Shelburne and doing whatever a Navy Seal does while everyone back home is looking for him. This should co enside with the 'New member for the Hawaii 5-0 team' and in the end flow back into it. Hope you all enjoy

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