Chapter two,

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Hey, So I just wanted to say, these chapters are not meant to long they are just meant to fill in some gaps and give you guys something to read while I write the other chapters for 'New member for the Hawaii 5-0 team' ENJOY x

Steve’s Story, Chapter Two

I woke up to fists being pounded into my stomach, it was the wake up I had always dreamed off, I thought sarcastically. Groaning I opened my eyes to look at two men the size of gorilla’s and then a slim Asian man stood to the back of them, when I gained my focus I realised it was Wo Fat. How did he get out, he was locked up in a maximum-security prison when I left Hawaii.

“Ahh, glad to see you have woken up, I was getting tired of your sleeping face” he smirked, walking up so he stood right in front of me. I coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood which spattered on his shiny black shoes.

“You were in jail” I groaned trying not to lose myself to the darkness that was attempting to me over.

“Well as you can see, I got out early patrol.” he smirked, Knowing that I was struggling to stay conscious.

“No shit” I muttered before losing myself completely

*Two hours later*

I woke to the cold chills of water being thrown over me; it jolted me awake like an electric shock. I was still strung up by my arms in the middle of the room.

“Finally, you Mr McGarrett sleep too much” Wo Fat chuckled from across the room. I was walking round but my eyes could only follow him so far. “Maybe you taking on a task force had made you lazy” he commented. I could not help but laugh at his comment, well it wasn’t much of a laugh since I was still coughing up the blood that kept making its way into my mouth.  “We can make this easy or hard, all I want know is, where is Shelburne?”

“I don’t know” I coughed, we had already been though this I don’t how many times and every time it was the question and the same answer.

“See, I just don’t believe you” he retorted, this time instead of having one of his minions Wo Fat’s smashed into my stomach. “How about now?” he asked, I grunted a no and once again, his fist came at me. This continued for long periods, stopping for a while then continuing again.

From the sunlight outside it was about midday and we were in the middle of another one of Wo Fat’s interrogations when one of his men busted into the room, shouting in Korean.

“They know. They know we have him,” he was shouting flustered. Wo Fat got him to calm down and he explained everything.  From listening in on the conversation, I found out that Jo had pulled some strings and got people to talk and they figured out that Wo Fat had me; so that hopefully meant that they would be coming after me. All I wanted to was see Jamie again and Sapphire; I had a sickening feeling that even if I made it off alive she was going to kill me. 

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