Chapter Seven

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Trent walked into the kitchen. "What do you think about Vegas, Gracie?"

She looked up from the table, a slice of cold roast beef dangling from her fingers. "You mean as in casinos, naked ladies, and lots of glitzy shows? Can you hand me another slice of bread?"

"Here's the bread, and yes to the naked ladies."

"I think I'd only want to take a few dollars into a city like that. Otherwise, I'd be broke within an hour. Do you have any mustard in the pantry?"

"Forget the mustard, I've got a better offer for you. How would you like to come on an all expenses paid weekend with me to Sin City?"

Her eyebrows shot in the air.

"Get your mind out of the gutter." He grinned. "I've got a conference there this weekend and two tickets burning a hole in my pocket." At her look of disbelief, he walked into his office and came back waving the tickets in the air. "You could shop during the day and see a show with me in the evenings."

Gracie wiped her hands on her T-shirt and reached for the tickets. "How did you get two tickets?"

"The Cattle Raisers Association worked out a deal. If you bought one, you got another for free. The hotel probably think the second person will spend up large at the casinos."

She leaned back, chewing on the pickle, beef, and cheese sandwich in her hand.

"You've got two minutes to make up your mind before I phone Jordan. He'll go with me." Trent couldn't believe it was taking her this long to decide whether she'd go to Vegas. Two nights in the city that never slept sounded like a sure fire winner over a quiet evening on the Triple L. Especially with what he had planned. It was time to shake Gracie's world up and Vegas was just the place to start the earthquake.

She sipped her glass of water, staring at him like she was hunting for any ulterior motives behind his offer. He had plenty of those, but he wasn't about to let Gracie in on his plans.

"I'm coming on one condition."

"You only ever came with conditions attached. I'd die a happy man if just once you agreed to something without putting a catch at the end of it."

Gracie dabbed her mouth with a napkin. "I'm not that bad." She smiled at the frown plastered across his face. "I'll come with you if I pay for my flight and half the accommodation."

After living with her for nearly a month, Trent knew she wouldn't go anywhere with him unless it cost her a week's teaching salary. "Fine, whatever you say. I'll find out the cost of the flight, but the accommodation is on me. It would cost me exactly the same if I was going on my own."


"What do you mean 'no'? It's a perfectly fair split of the expenses."

Gracie put her empty glass on top of her plate. "I want my own room. I refuse to share with a man who snores like a beached walrus."

Trent ignored the grin nearly splitting her face in two. He'd give in with dignity and then play dirty once they got to Vegas. "Okay, deal. I'll email the hotel today. We leave here at four o'clock on Friday afternoon."

Scooting around the table, Gracie gave him a happy smile. "Sounds like a good excuse for a shopping trip into town but for now, I've got to find Jordan. He's taking me on one of the trails with Daisy." She stacked her dirty dishes in the dishwasher and headed to the back door. "We should be back by five. Tell Adele I'll cook the vegetables and fold the washing when I get home."

Standing at the kitchen door, Trent watched her skip down the stairs. "Remind Jordan not to go too far into the mountains."

Gracie turned and gave him an exasperated stare. "Yes, Daddy."

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