Chapter Twelve

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Gracie rolled onto her back, pulling the duvet around her chin.

There it went again.

Opening one eye, she frowned at the window opposite her bed. Something or someone tapped lightly on the glass. She held her watch up to her nose. Six-thirty. Who on earth knocked on a window this early in the morning? And why were they using the window? There was a perfectly good front door about ten steps to their right. Swallowing a yawn, she sat up and grabbed her sweatshirt off the end of the bed.

She hesitated before pulling back the curtains. Surely it wouldn't be Trent? It couldn't be. He didn't have any reason to be at his mom's house this early.

The pulse at the base of her neck beat furiously. Catching the edge of the curtain in her hand, she slowly pulled it back. "Jordan? What are you doing here?"

"I had to pick up some supplies." He gave her a cheeky grin. "Where's my cowgirl gone? You're usually in the barn with Daisy by now."

"I'm on town time now." Gracie looked down at the garden under his boots. "Come around to the front door before you trample your mom's plants to death. I'll let you in like a civilized person."

Jordan tipped the brim of his hat with his fingers. "Appreciate that, ma'am."

As soon as his feet passed through the door, he headed into the kitchen, hunting for leftovers.

Gracie smiled as she listened to him mumble something into the refrigerator. "We had dinner in Bozeman last night."

Jordan gave a satisfied grunt. He closed the door and waved two chicken drumsticks triumphantly in the air. "I knew Mom wouldn't let me down."

Gracie made herself a cup of hot chocolate and sat at the table. "So, what are you doing here?"

Jordan stopped chewing and looked across at her. "I thought I'd visit my runaway sister-in-law."

Gracie groaned, sinking lower in her chair. "How did you find out?"

"It didn't take much. You sent a mile-high dust cloud into the sky on your way out. Trent must have annoyed you big time to send you rushing away like that."

Gracie stuck her elbows on the table, resting her head between her hands. "We're getting a divorce." She waited for Jordan to at least look surprised, but he kept chomping on the drumsticks. He paid more attention to what was going in his belly than the runaway bride sitting in his mom's kitchen.

"Fast work. Almost puts my love life to shame." He threw his chicken bones in the trash and grabbed a cup of coffee.

"You've been talking to Trent."

"Hard not to when he's stomping around the ranch like a wounded bear." Jordan looked at her for a long time.

Gracie's gaze drifted around the room. Those blue eyes of his had a way of eating into her heart and she wasn't ready to let anyone see what was crashing around in there.

"Since you're not enjoying the delights of the Triple L tonight," Jordan wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, "how about you come with me to Charlie's Bar and Grill? We can enjoy a night on the town, Bozeman style."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not up to going anywhere."

"Come on. It'll do you good. Besides, if you're worried about meeting up with Trent, it won't happen. I can't remember the last time he came into town on a Saturday night."

Gracie stared at Jordan. "Between you and your mom I've got a busier social life than the day I arrived in Bozeman."

"We've got to keep you out of mischief somehow. At least if you're with me, I can keep you on the straight and narrow."

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