Chapter Three

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Three: Hopes and News

Molly Weasley was helpless. She stood in the living room of The Burrow, trying to take control of the situation but that seemed very far now. Nearly half an hour ago, she received a letter from the ministry informing that her youngest son, Hermione and her only son-in-law were kept under the custody of the Ministry. She was shocked and could not even move. Arthur was the one who took charge and quickly gathered up the Weasleys to go to the ministry.

Half an hour hence, she stood, speechless and helpless. Her brain had been completely blocked out and the rage she had, still continued to flow through her veins. Arthur was seated on an armchair, looking sombre. George and Bill were currently trying to entertain Teddy Lupin though neither were in the mood. Their wives were in the kitchen, cooking lunch instead of her. Percy and Audrey had gone with Mrs Tonks to the ministry to plea for her son-in-law's bail.

Yes, her only son-in-law; The one she considered as her own son, was arrested for some stupid reason. Ron and Hermione were released from the ministry's custody and Molly quickly sent them up to the former's room to take rest. She knew all too well that Hermione will not rest unless she sees her best friend free and happy.

As for her baby daughter. . . she had locked herself in her childhood room but Molly knew that she wasn't the one to cry no matter what so when Molly witnessed the obscure event of Ginny Potter's tears, Molly could no longer take it. She had to do something. What did the poor boy even do for him to be chucked into such a horrible place like Azkaban?! He saved the Wizarding world for Merlin's sake!

Rage threatened to take over Molly as she read the new special edition of the evening Prophet. It contained an article about Harry's arrest but what angered her even more was the fact that all the death eaters were released from Azkaban. The Eaters who Harry captured after working for days and nights on end were roaming freely while the boy was behind the bars. News about the other honest higher officials and low ranked officials getting arrested for catching the corrupted officials was displayed on the newspaper. Amelia Bones, the one who was supposed to have taken the seat of Kingsley Shacklebolt after his vacation/death was house arrested for unknown reasons. If this was how the ministry would be, Molly was sure that the British Wizarding World would not survive another decade but for now, she had one important mission that she would try her best to accomplish even if she has to be arrested for it - freeing Harry Potter.


Dinner was a sombre event. Percy had told the family about how far he had managed to go on Harry's bail which was not even an inch closer to solving the problem. Innocent Teddy's occasional giggles were the only sound at the table. Ginny was still locked up in her room. Hermione tried to get her to open the door but she failed. Knowing that it was a lost case and battling her own sadness, Hermione did not try to pry more. The usually hungry Ron was no longer hungry. He just had a toast and claimed to be filled. Molly could not watch her family like this but she did not know what to do either. She asked Percy if she could tag along the next day when he would go to the ministry to plead for the bail again. Percy politely rejected saying that the ministry was currently not allowing anyone besides it's workers for 'the safety of the civilians'.

Molly could not understand how the talk of safety came into this. In fact, she was worried about Arthur, Percy, Ron and Hermione working in the ministry. Not that they have the possibility of getting corrupted, of course not, but the possibility of them getting arrested for being honest was something which scared her.

She sighed as she looked out of the kitchen window. The twinkling stars seemed to be twinkling merrily but to her, it looked as though they were mocking her for not being able to take control of things. She knew for a fact that after five years, new elections will be held. Maybe then, things would change for a better. However she did not know if her son-in-law would survive to see the day given his already weak state, both physically as well as mentally.

A small light of hope reigned her that he would survive for his love. When he would be released, she would hug him, then give him all the love and support a mother would give and finally work her way to help him overcome his skinny stage. She smiled at the prospect she might have in the future.


Meanwhile, waves rumbled and crashed against the shore of a large triangular shaped building. If one were to look at it from afar, they were sure to shudder and faint. After all, it looked very eerie and haunted and the dark auras and occasional screams that came from within would make even the happiest man alive to shudder and sweat. In such a building, in a block for murderers, Block C precisely, in a dark, damp cell sat a depressed young man, aged about 20. His usually bright green eyes, now dull, seemed void of happiness. With dark circles under his eyes and bruised cheeks with dried blood, one would easily tell he hadn't slept for days on end. However, it was his first night in this damned place and he already looked as if he had spent several years living in it. He looked up at a tiny hole from where the beautiful moonlight filtered in, giving his 'room' a dull lighting.

"Tsk tsk! Sir, here is your food." Came a voice from yon; or so it seemed to Harry.

He looked up and saw Roberts Tinter bring him a steaming bowl of soup with some toast. He was rather surprised at the meals the prisoners were provided. Usually prisoners were treated to some goo of sorts.

"I managed to smuggle my dinner for you. I have shift coming up in a few minutes so I will be leaving for home. I can eat there. Please have this," Roberts offered, shrinking the small tray to fit the bars and then enlarging them to their normal size once they were in Harry's cell.

"I am a prisoner, Roberts," Harry said, not looking at the food.

"An innocent one at that. I may have only known you for two years but I have heard of your struggles, Mr Potter. You don't deserve such a cruel fate so we have decided to give you 'healthy food' at least for saving us." Harry shook his head.

"I know but I don't want it. Give me whatever they give others."

"If you don't know, other officials are arrested as well. Dolores is mental, she is. Even they accepted the food and you are the youngest prisoner of Azkaban. I am not going to let you eat that stinky goo," Roberts replied, looking as stern as an Auror should be.

Harry shook his head again. "I shall not eat then. I am not hungry."

"Sir, I know you are worried about your wife. I saw her re-"

"I am not worried! She can take care of herself, okay? Please leave now, Roberts!" Harry literally begged. The auror had no other option and so he left the youngest prisoner of Azkaban to his brooding. Oh, how big of a lie did he just confess?

Did you like this chapter? Several ministry officials in this story are ocs. Thought y'all ought to know. Comment and vote!

Miyoko x

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