Chapter 1

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I obviously had to have matching coats with my dad and also the family line of curly hair. I was assigned to the dream team and my father had to come along with me.

I went on my phone and read my messages, laughing and replying back.

'Who are you texting'?

'John, dad'. I rolled my eyes. My father had some issues with me dating.

'... feel free to use her in anyway you wish'. I looked up.

'That's an odd thing to say, isn't it'? I said, announcing my presence. They all looked at me and my father.

'Small minded... people'. I slapped my father in the chest.

'Sorry, I'm (y/n) Holmes. Pleasure to meet you all'.

'Mr Holmes has a daughter'? One of them questioned.

'Surprising, isn't it'? One of them stepped up.

'Vincenzo Brancaleone'. I shook his hand.

He's Italian, interesting.

'Nice to meet you, Vincenzo', I greeted. Another one stepped up.

'Kenji Mazuto'.

Hmmm, Japanese.

'Hello, Kenji'. I noticed that the two men that introduced themselves sighed in relief as I greeted them by their names. 'And you, sir'? I asked. He stepped up.

'Randall Pepperidge'. I shook his hand.

British, nice.

'Nice to meet you, Randall'. He continued to shake my hand. 'Gonna need that back, darling'. He pulled his hand anyway.


'And these three are'?

'Jacques Clouseau, the French police and this is Ponton and Nicole'.

'Hello'. My father rolled his eyes. I rolled mine and went up to him. 'You can go now'. I forced a smile, looking at the others.

'You sure you don't want me here'?

'Yes, now go'. Before leaving, he kissed my temple. 'Anyway, shall we'?

'Right! We first have to determine how the crime was committed', Randall said, bending down. 'And since I'm an expert in deduction'. I raised an eyebrow.

'You are an expert in deduction'? Clouseau questioned.

'That is my field'.

'I believe deduction is my field and since you are experiencing hip pain'. I rolled my eyes.

'How did you know that'?

'One side of the soul of your shoe is more worn than the other, you are favouring your right leg'.

'Tell me, did you enjoy your double espresso this morning'?

'How did you-'

'Your pupils are noticeably dilated'. I cleared my throat. They stopped and looked at me.

'Those are simple deductions, gentlemen'.

'Stop the insanity and look at this'. I looked to Vincenzo. He picked up a piece of glass. 'Il Tornado is not as careful as he thinks'.

'Oh, finger print'.

'With that, the case is practically solved, so I'm leaving'. Before I could turn around, Clouseau spoke.

'This one has a fingerprint'. He put a piece of glass in the bag. 'This one has a fingerprint too. This one has a fingerprint. You don't need that, we have plenty of fingerprint evidence'. He picked up the piece of glass and threw it.

'Lower IQ then Anderson', I whispered to myself.

'What do we know about this man, this Tornado'.

'Well, we know that he is a white male between 50 and 65. With a scar from a bullet hole on his right shoulder. In 1996, the Tornado was shot right here in France while trying to steal an gold vase. Blood was found and as a result, his DNA has been on file for over 10 years without a match'.

Everyone looked at her. I rolled my eyes, I hate her already.

'I'm sorry I'm a bit late, my flight was delayed'. She looked at me. 'You're... Miss Holmes'.

'No, that will be my mother. And who are you'?

'Sonia Solandres, didn't anyone tell you-'

'Yes, I was informed, the last minute addition to the team'.

'That's right. I've written a book on all the Tornado crimes but I'm not sure I'll be much help here. Technically speaking, I'm not really a detective'.

'Welcome, we can always use an extra mind. Now let me bring you up to speed, we know nothing, you are now up to speed'.

'Idiot'. My eyes glanced around and I noticed Randall staring, quickly looking away. My phone rang so I picked it up.

'Hello, little detective'.

'Hello John'.

'How is it going so far'?

'So far there's one idiot'.

'And anyone interesting'? I froze, growing hot. 'Come on, there must be someone'.

'No but... it's weird when you ask that. And you know what dad says, Sediment is on the losing side'.

'And yet he married and had a beautiful daughter'.

'Aww, thanks. I got to go, we're supposed to gather some info on Tornado'.

'Okay, talk to you soon'. I hang up.

We came to a room where we all started to put evidence together.

'Maybe we should all take a trip to Rome. I know a fellow there. Quite charming actually'.

'And who might that be'? Clouseau asked.

'Alonso Avellaneda. I'm sure you know him. He did work with the Tornado 10 years ago. He might know something'.

'I think we should listen to, Miss Holmes', Randall started.

'(Y/n), please'.

Vincenzo had a private jet. I didn't blame him that he didn't trust anyone else to be the pilot another than himself.

'(Y/n), would you like to be my co-pilot'? I hesitated.

'No thank you but I'm sure Nicole would love too'.

'Okay'. She giggled and walked up first. I waited until everyone was on the plane before getting on myself.

I sat down in front of Randall and he shuffled in his seat awkwardly. I smiled.

'So... how's it like to have Sherlock as a father'?

'It gets annoying sometimes. First, there's the morning alarm and second is the over protective part of him'.

'How about your... mother'?

'Oh she's great, her name is Molly by the way'. (Yes, Molly Hooper😂 I ship her and Sherlock and well as John and him) 'How about you? Married? Girlfriend'?

'Uhh, no. You'?

'Same. My father is a bit touchy about me having a relationship'.

'Yes, I believe I heard you say on the phone that he said sediment is on the losing side'.

'Right. Kind of silly really as his married and all'.

'Quite silly'. I chuckled.

'Your eyes look dilated all the time, inspector', I pointed out.

'Oh umm, too much coffee'.

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