Chapter Two

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Amy stretched in bed, listening to the sound of the ranch waking up. A truck lumbered past the homestead, drowning out the high-pitched screech of a rooster. Wooden floors creaked as the Gray family moved from room to room, getting ready for whatever nature threw at them. Catherine stirred in her sleep. The glow from the night-light bathed her thumb-sucking little sister in a soft yellow haze.

Counting to three, Amy shoved the blankets off her body and dived toward the clothes she'd carefully hung over a chair. Goosebumps prickled her skin as she pulled on her jeans and T-shirt. Even with central heating, cold air still managed to sneak into the house, weaving through the old timber floors and walls that were too thin for Montana winters.

Grabbing her thick sweatshirt, she peeked through a gap in the curtains. It had rained for most of the night, hitting the window with a force that almost buckled the glass. The rain had definitely stopped and, from the looks of it, the sky would soon be turning crystal clear blue. Either more snow was on its way or they were in for one of those rare days when you could almost imagine winter had been forgotten and spring was just around the corner.

She ran her hands along the end of her bed, hunting under the blankets for the socks that had kept her feet warm during the night. Pulling them on, she glanced at Catherine. The little human dynamo had a high-powered sensor attached to her body, telling her the moment Amy moved. But this morning her sister's eyes were still glued shut. Tiptoeing out of the room, she headed downstairs toward the kitchen. She had a lot to do today and the sooner she got started, the sooner she'd be settled in Bozeman and out of Nathan's life.

"How did you sleep?"

Her foot slipped on the top stair. Something pulled her backward, straight into hard muscles and warm arms.

"You gotta watch those steps."

Nathan's voice rumbled through his chest and into her body. An arm wrapped itself around her waist, hugging her close. Her heart pounded. She looked down the stairs, imagining her body lying battered and bruised on the bottom step.

Taking a deep breath, she wiggled away from her rescuer. She'd been determined to put as much distance between them as she could and here she was, practically falling into his arms before she'd had breakfast.

Nathan frowned.

Her gaze shot to his shoulders. "Are you okay?"

His mouth set in a stubborn line.

"What's the big deal about telling someone you're in pain?"

"A thank you would go down really well about now," he growled.

"Ignoring my question won't make it go away, but thanks for catching me." Stubborn. That's what he was. A stubborn, crazy, cowboy that had wormed his way into her dreams and left her tired and cranky. "Why won't you tell me if I hurt you?"

"I'm not hurt. Satisfied?"

"No, and I don't have time to pester you until you tell me. I'm going to make myself some breakfast before Catherine wakes up."

"Do you need a hand getting to the kitchen in one piece?"

"Oh, for goodness' sake," Amy huffed. "I slipped, that's all." She purposely walked down the center of the staircase, ignoring the banister. "Look, no hands."

"Famous last words." He moved down the stairs. "You've never been much of a dare-devil, and I wouldn't push your luck with those fluffy orange death-traps attached to your feet."

She looked down, frowning at her feet. "They're socks and they keep my feet warm."

"They'll get you killed on Mom's polished floors."

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