✧☆Of Rivers and Forests🌲🌿🌼☆✧

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Of Rivers and Forests
Post prison Dream finds himself far away from the SMP's mainland. He finally takes care of himself and the realization of him actually being free finally sets in.

Dreblr Secret Santa gift for fireynovacat

For fireynovacat.
(See the end of the work for notes.)


Work Text:
The sky was doused in soft blues and yellows, gentle, fresh breezes of air ran through the atmosphere, rustling branches of trees and making its leaves dance back and forth.

Green, grassy fields accompanied by flowers of varying colors decorated the landscape. A river ran through the land, its water fresh and cold, crashing against stone; filling the air with gentle, relaxing sounds. The edge of an oak tree forest bordered the grassy plains; faded silhouettes of a mountain chain were visible behind the woods.

And then, there was Dream; clad in enchanted Netherite armor, weapon tight in his hands; he was half limping, half walking through his server's lands. These particular chunks were far away from the SMP's mainland; everyone in the mainland was making themselves prepared, building walls and amassing fighters; nobody would come looking for him right away.

For once, after so many months, he was finally safe.

Slowly, he made his way towards the creek, its water running fast and clear; pebbles and sand were visible below the water's surface. He bent down carefully and dipped his hands into the stream. The water felt cold, as if teeth made out of ice were biting into his skin, yet, he sighed in relief as the water's temperature mended his pain. He cupped his hands, letting them be filled with water and brought both of them to his face, cleaning it of grime and dirt.

He got up again, hands finding and releasing his armor and dropping his netherite weapons. One after the other, another armor piece met the ground, still shimmering gently with the magic of various enchantments. He summoned multiple items out of his inventory; healing potions, a big piece of cloth that resembled a towel, fresh clothes which included jogging pants and one of his signature green hoodies, as well as bandages. All of these were given to him by Punz when they met at the frozen shore. He set the items down on the ground, leaving the bandages on top so they wouldn't get soiled. Dream was left standing in front of the river now dressed in the orange, dirty jumpsuit of the prison.

Quickly, as fast as his body allowed it, he undressed himself, finally getting rid of and freeing himself of another shackle left from his time in the prison. His body was pale, littered in scars and wounds. Barefooted, he stepped into the water, feeling loose, small stones carrying his weight. The water's feel had such a stark contrast as opposed to the water in his cell; it was cold and fresh, so unlike the warm, steaming and stale water he was forced to become accustomed to.

He stepped deeper into the river, the water's surface now reaching up to his knees. Once again, bending down and cupping his hands, shoveling water into his palms and releasing the liquid above his head. He let out shuddering breaths of air as he scrubbed his body, still attempting to acclimate himself. Hisses left his lips when he attempted to clean still unhealed wounds. Grime, dirt, sweat and trails of blood were washed downstream.

Once he was clean and his body and hair were dripping droplets of water, he stepped out of the river and onto the pebble bank. He grabbed the towel that he left there and dried himself off slowly, being sure to be more careful when drying up parts of his skin that was still injured.
Next, he dropped the cloth, spread it out and sat down on it slowly. He took the roll of bandages and a healing potion, uncorking the bottle and letting the sweet scent of melon hit his nose; just the smell alone was calming and relaxing to his mind and body.

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