✧☆The Wind Guides Him 🍃☆✧

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The wind brushes past his hair, breathing life into him as he just sits and breathes, calm with himself. The trees dance and their leaves fall down over Dream's face. They sway around the Admin's face, letting him know the world is there with gentle touches.
He can't see, both eyes failing to see the world around him since birth, but that hasn't stopped him. The world helps guide him when he needs it, otherwise he has trained himself to survive without it. He's learned to use sounds to his advantage, hearing what others can't hear. Some would say he's inhuman and maybe he is, being an Admin and all, but besides all of that, he's just Dream, a normal Admin born blind, but that's never been something to stop him.


Work Text:
The wind brushes past his hair, breathing life into him as he just sits and breathes, calm with himself. The trees dance and their leaves fall down over Dream's face. They sway around the Admin's face, letting him know the world is there with gentle touches.

He can't see, both eyes failing to see the world around him since birth, but that hasn't stopped him. The world helps guide him when he needs it, otherwise he has trained himself to survive without it. He's learned to use sounds to his advantage, hearing what others can't hear. Some would say he's inhuman and maybe he is, being an Admin and all, but besides all of that, he's just Dream, a normal Admin born blind, but that's never been something to stop him.

He hears the snapping of some sticks and soft crunch of leaves under a hoof and immediately recognizes it as a deer. The gentle creatures always seem to make their way to him when he's sitting in a clearing, just focusing on his breathing. He loves when the sheep, deers, foxes, wolves, cows, goats, all the animals come up to him, noticing the calm atmosphere of their Admin.

He lifts a hand up, the deer knowing he's blind so it gently walks up and places its wet, bumpy about onto his palm. He giggles at the feeling of the nose rubbing against his hands and he brushes his fingers past the snout up the jawline to the deer's ear, scratching there softly.

"So majestic." Dream whispers and the deer makes a sound of agreement before backing up. He hears the sounds of multiple other feet from animals walking up to him.

The wind circles him and the animals baah, squeak, neigh, and howl as the wind whips past them all.

Dream sighs and lays on his back, enjoying the heat of the sun as it seeps into his skin, warming him from the inside out.

He doesn't know how long he lays there, all the animals of the forest laying next to him, enjoying the magic that oozes off their Admin.

Dream hears another sound of walking that he knows isn't another animal and his breathing freezes, all the animals noticing as well and perking up. He sits up, glancing towards the sound.

He commands a gentle breeze, commanding the animals to get up and leave which they all immediately do.

He stands up himself, picking up his mask connected to his belt and pacing it over his face. He doesn't allow others to see his face, that way they won't see his pale, green, blind eyes.

He glances over right as the person shows up.

"What are you doing all the way in the middle of the forest?" Dream's muscles relax when he realizes it's only George and his other friend by the sounds of another set of footsteps, most likely belonging to Sapnap.

Both his friends know he's an Admin, but they don't know that he's blind. He doesn't know why he hasn't told them, he just hasn't felt the need to. Why tell others you have a disability when it doesn't even disable you in the first place? Dream had been living his entire life blind and hasn't had a single problem so far.

"I was enjoying some alone time before idiot one and idiot two found me." Dream replies, gesturing to both Sapnap and George. He hears Sapnap scoff, most likely rolling his eyes before slapping Dream on the shoulder.

"I'm hurt that you think of me like that." His pyro friend sasses and Dream chuckles in reply.

"Whatever," George brushes past Dream and he follows them both, knowing the way back home by heart. "Bad is back at the village waiting for us to start the next Manhunt."

"This one, which we will win." He notices the sound of Sapnap laughing and decides to kick him gently in the knee, causing him to stumble over.

"We'll see about that." He smirks at the both before taking the lead, running back home while his friends chase after him.

Sadly the person who also writes this wonderful story was a anonymous person... ಥ‿ಥ and I know it's short but it's just the way I like it :)))

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36007084

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