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Draco was nervously mumbling to himself all night. He needed to get his head straight if he was going to talk to Hermione and get her back and not turn into a ball of mush at the sight of her.

He was staring at her dancing with her father.

It was hard though, to focus on the plan. The thought of seeing his love again after years, made him well up. The feeling of going to her and taking her in his arms not only made him blush like a rose but also filled him with ecstasy. And the sight of Nott dancing with his future wife made him angry as hell. Wait what-

He saw Theo dancing with her. After a few minutes of smiles and laughter, he saw her happy face, contort. He saw her let out a shaky breath and ask Theo something. He nodded and Hermione pulled away from him. Looking really upset.

He saw her disappear into a corner and get followed by two figures. He wanted to go talk to her right then and but he couldn't find her. He saw her parents, her irritating cousins but not her.

He then saw Harry drag her by the hand but she didn't look so well. She looked sickly and not focused. There were tear stained marks on her cheek.

God even after all this time, the woman doesn't wear makeup and looks gorgeous than any model I have seen was the only thing that was going to his mind.

"Mr. Malfoy"

A voice came from behind. It was the receptionist. "The stage is yours sir."

He nodded and headed towards the stage. "Just like we spoke," he told her.

He climbed up on the stage and the spotlight hit, making everyone disappear. But he wanted to see Hermione when he spoke, so he asked "Hermione? Love where are you?"

Then a quiet voice rose from the silence. "I'm here"

The light was on her. Her brown eyes wide, her face showed only one emotion. Confused.

"Hermione, I have known you since we were 11, and that's a long time for us, considering everything we went through. When we were 11, and met on the train, my first impression was that you were not someone ordinary. For those who don't know, Hermione and I went to the same boarding school from when we were 11 until we graduated. I picked on her, called her names, I now regret, and made her cry. And yet she gave me a chance to be with her. To love her and cherish her. From the time we started school to even in the business world, Hermione has been a real adversary for me. She, with her witty comebacks, intellectual facts, and basically all aspects about her made me fall in love with her"

Then he looked at Hermione directly, and slowly walked towards her.

"A few years ago, we broke up. And I got to see what my life is without you. And it was the most horrible experience of my life. I never want to be without you again. Hermione we have been through a lot. Maybe not together but we have. I can't promise you that there won't be things that will try and break up and I can't promise you a future where you are unhappy. Because like you taught me, you need to go through sadness to appreciate happiness. But what I promise you is that you won't even have to go through it alone. I want to be there to catch you when you fall. I want to help you put yourself back together when you are shattered and I want to hold you hand and look into your eyes and tell you I love you"

He heard many gasps behind them but didn't care.

"I want to wake up everyday to the thought of having you in my life. I want to have messy arguments with you and kiss you senseless. And most importantly I want to hug you right now and make whatever that is making you sad go away.

He looked down at her tears and asked hesitantly "So... may I?"

Hermione broke into tears and sobbed as she nodded and pulled him in. He wrapped one arm around her petite waist while the other stroked her hair. She sobbed into his chest and wrapped both arms around him.

She never knew she needed him so much until this exact moment. Everybody was cheering around them, some whistled and clapped but they didn't care. They were in their own world.

Hermione was the first to pull away. She looked up at his eyes, those beautiful steel storm eyes. "B-but what about your father?" she asked, still sobbing.

Draco let out a hearty chuckle and pulled her into a hug and whispered. "Turns out dad was protecting you too. He had words about the death eaters still at loose and knew their target was you for dating me. He broke us up before they could harm you and your family"

Hermione could feel her heart growing 3x bigger when she heard that and pulled away and placed a hard passionate kiss on his lips. Draco immediately responded to the kiss.

Everything was all and well for two minutes until Hermione was pulled away from Draco's grasp. Before anything could process what happened - SMACK!

Hermione's right cheek felt warmer and started to sting. She raised her hand to her cheek and looked up to see her cousin. Maria looked enraged. "How dare you! How could you kiss him you slut! When you know he is engaged to me!!!" she yelled.

Hermione, still shocked, tried her best to regain her posture. But the emotions overwhelmed her. She was happy for Draco, mad at Maria, embarrassed that she just got slapped in front of many people, and blamed herself for not controlling her emotions. She tried to speak but all that came out was a shaky breath. She lost control of her emotions and started hyperventilating.

Draco watched as Hermione failed to speak and stood in front of her. "For the last time Miss I don't even know who you are!"

"Yes you do! Stop lying!"

Draco growled. He was frustrated enough, but now the woman had the audacity to slap his love and call him a liar. He was going to open his mouth when he felt someone stop him.

"Take Hermione somewhere else." It was Harry "We'll take care of this."

Draco sneered at Maria and sharply turned his attention back to Hermione, who was breathing hard and looked like she was about to faint.

He gently held Hermione's hand and made her look at him. "Hey, lets get out of here shall we?" he spoke, almost a whisper.

Hermione nodded and ran outside. Draco gave one last look to Harry and stormed outside. 

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