oUm, thanks, but no thanks.

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Alex's POV

I got out of the classroom and started walking home. Out of the blue, a raindrop fell on my cheek. More followed the cold water. They pelted my long dyed blonde hair with blue tips and hot pink bangs. I yelled, in my brain, cause I didn't bring a ducking umbrella! I started speed-walking, I absolutely hated rain.

After 5 minutes of speed walking, I stopped. I had a feeling that someone was watching me and I turned around quickly. I saw a boy, age about 17ish. He has a grey hoodie with stripes on and orange goggles. Also, he had a grey mask covering his mouth. I said, "Hello?". Then lighting flashed and he was gone. That gave me the freaks.

Goosbums appeared on my arms and legs. Abby probably is playing a joke on me, she always does this! I was almost soaked now, so I started walking, but I heard footsteps after me. I ran, sprinted home after that. Some part of me hoped that the boy wasn't following me, but the other part knew he was.

I bursted through the front door, (I didn't break it) and turned and locked it twice. I sighed and yelled, "Hey! Alex's home!". No answer. I saw a note, it read,

Abby couldn't get a taxi, so I'm picking her up. We will probably be home at 12. Also, Jacob is at his friends house for the weekend. (Did I mention that it was Friday?) Have fun and be carful! Don't set the house on fire!
Love Dad.

Cool, I have the house to myself! It didn't cross my mind that if Abby wasn't here, the boy wasn't pranking me. I sat on the couch and started watch a marathon of The Walking Dead. After six episodes, I fell asleep.

Hours later, (after I fell asleep) the boy with the goggles had finally found a way in without alerting the neighbors. This girl looked like an easy kill. Who would have known that he was much wrong.

Pain (Ticci Toby)Where stories live. Discover now