two weeks later...
von had been in bed for the last week due to him felling under the weather and he was now currently sitting on the floor of his and durks bathroom puking his insides out he knew there could be a possiblity that he could be pregnant but he was scared of being pregnant and durk not being happy so after von got washed and dressed he went to target and got three different pregnancy test two digital and one lined he also did a little grocery shopping while in the store when von got home he seen durk was in the living room watching the football game.
"hey baby
"hey ma where yhu been"
"nun just went grocery shooping"
"oh okay"
von went to go put the groceries away and snuck away to the guest bathroom upstairs and took all three of the test and laid them all face down on the counter and set a timer fa atleast 10 minutes once the timer went off von flipped the test over and he looked at all three before he let silent tears fall they were happy tears he was just scared on how durk would react so after von got himself together he grabbed all three test and hid them he planned to tell durk but he wanted to make it special.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It had been three days since von had tooken those test and he was not setting up this little surprise thing with the help of gang nem ddg, shey, and herb took durk out fa a lil miniute while melly, toot, and nle helped von get everything together. It took about an hour or so just to get everything ready just because von wanted to make sure it was perfect. After about thrity minutes the boys had drooped durk back off and he walked into the living room to be met with a happy von awaiting his arrival.
"hey sexy"
"hey ma why you smilin so hard"
"bc ii have a surprize for you"
"wrd what is it"
"follow me and ill show you"
Durk followed von up into their bedroom where he was met with their bed covered in ballons with a little box filled with the three pregnacy test and a little onsie that says "baby banks on the way" and a little ultrasound picture in the box aswell durk stood there in shock for a while before he went and grabbed von and spun him around while kissing him over and over.
"is you frl mama"
"yes" von let out while crying
"im really finna be a daddy"
"are you mad"
"mad nah baby im happy asf like im really finna have a lil prince or princess runnin round here"
"yea ii know"After telling durk about the news von felt like a huge wait was lifted of his shoulders he no longer felt like this pregnancy was something that he had to worry about durk leaving him for(a/n my lil emotional baby) he actually felt happy and at peace and he was exicted to bring this little bundle of joy into the world
Durks pov
man when ii say im happy ii mean like im happy asf like ii really have a baby on the way and shit just crazy like ii been wanting to pop the question to von fa a lil minute but now it just seems like the perfect time because ii wanna get married before the baby gets here and ii also wanna make sure my baby can have his dream wedding and for everything to go right yk bc let a mfucka mess up my wedding and ii swear im drooping bodies but frl tho ii think imma really put a rock on von finger buh yk ii gotta get gang nem to help me wit all dhatDurk went back to their bedroom and joined von in the bathtub and they stayed in their for about 45 minutes before they both dried off and they accompanied each other to the bed where they both fall asleep happy and content in each other's arms .
The next dayvon woke up extra happy and decided to make a big breakfast for everyone so he went to do his basic hygiene and he went downstairs and started cooking by the time everything was done all of gangnem came over von had cooked and entrée of food everything from pancakes, bacon, eggs , grits , waffles, sausage , and a platter of fruits and vegetables along wit sum apple and orange juice
"damn von yhu put yo foot in dhis"
"thanks melly"
"Nah but frl tho what made yhu wanna cook all dhis food"
"well ii kinda had sum to show yall"
and that's when von showed everyone the test and the little ultrasound pictures and everyone was so happy for the couple they all spent the rest of the day hanging out and wondering what would all come with baby banks on the way.
mtch yall are very much welcomed fa this update yall whores better enjoy ii rewrote dhis shit like three times buh ii hope yall enjoyed yhur Christmas and ii hope yall enjoy dhis chapter 😘 💗 byee my lil whores