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Indias pov

I was on tiktok when a bunch of people were tagging me in a post ddg had commented on so I went to look at it and seen it was by some dude named "kingvonfrmdao" and I peeped he tagged my ex durk in it so I did a lil more digging and found out him and durk got some going on buh I think its time I caused some trouble in paradise so I got up and went to shower and put on a cute two peice beige outfit from forever 21 and decided I would post a picture of me and durk two days before we broke up and we had js got done doing the do

I was on tiktok when a bunch of people were tagging me in a post ddg had commented on so I went to look at it and seen it was by some dude named "kingvonfrmdao" and I peeped he tagged my ex durk in it so I did a lil more digging and found out him ...

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143,068 likes and 10,000 comments Indiaroyale: he know i got da shi say he love me when he in it @lildurk i miss you daddy come home 😘 😫  @2playaazay : aint he with von tho @toosii2x: i know tf not @lildurk imma kill yo ass@kingvonfrmdao: wtf

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143,068 likes and 10,000 comments Indiaroyale: he know i got da shi say he love me when he in it @lildurk i miss you daddy come home 😘 😫 
@2playaazay : aint he with von tho
@toosii2x: i know tf not @lildurk imma kill yo ass
@kingvonfrmdao: wtf .....

Durk pov

I was on the game with the boys when I peeped that toot tagged me Inna post I ain't really pay no attention to until I looked and seen it was my ex India and peeped see posted some shit talkin bout me "coming home" then I was strolling through the comments and seen von had commented so now ik why he aint say shit to me when he got home so I went downstairs and saw him on the couch buh he looked like he was on the phone so I listened to a little of the conversation

but toot she tagged me in dhat shit & yk we had gotten into an argument last week and he left and didn't come back till morning "
"Okay buh dhat don't mean he went to see ha he know he got too much going wit all to do sum stupid "
"yea yea im figure it out love yhu bye "
"bye bestie"
Once I felt like he was done I went to da living room and sat on the little pillow infront of him and tried to have a conversation wit him
"baby look at me"
"hm" von mumbled while looking down
"whas wrong witchu"
"nothin durk"
"then why yhu actin like this" he grabbed vons face lightly and made von look at him
"were did yhu go last week after we fought" von said with tears in his eyes
"I told yhu I went to shey house"
"then wha is this" von shows durk india's ig post
"bae really yhu"
" yes really durk I'm sitting here pregnant with yo kids and yhu gotta bitch posting yhu talm bout some come home daddy tf was yhu doin last week"
"I told yhu I was at shey house nd yhu can call him & melly fuck I gotta lie fa"
" man ykw get the fuck outta my face rn durk"
von got off the couch and left durk in his thoughts yes he knew it was wrong to leave and not come back after fighting buh in the moment bc he was at one of their many close friends house he didn't think it was a big deal buh now seeing that India has resurfaced durk knew he had to make it right so he got off the couch and decided to cook dinner for von and fix the whole situation buh as he started to the kitchen their was a knock at the door and he never could have expected who was at the door ..
hehe enjoy my lil whores & talk to me in da comments
sorry not sorry fa the cliffhanger

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