11 1 3

Contains: smut, use of pet names, thighs, mentions of Jae (other male) touching yunhos tiddies, head, male x male.

I watched as Jae placed both his hands on my chest, I looked at him, watching him just smile, the smaller male was sat on my lap as my back was resting against the head board of our bed.

"Why are they soft?" Jae asked as he looked up at me, his eyes twinkled

"They just are" I said watching as he moved to comfy on my lap

"You comfy Prince?" I asked, my hands coming up to his hips and giving them a gentle squeeze

"Comfy as every pup" Jae said, I nodded, before watching Jae snake his arms around my shoulder

I sighed softly taking in their scent, before nuzzling closer to them, since its winter everything was a lot colder, so Jae and I decided to cuddle and share a few kisses here and there, and everywhere

"Do you want me to make green tea?" I asked making him nod into my shoulder

I moved slowly to the edge of the bed, feeling Jae wrap his legs around my torso, before I stood up my arms hesitate before I move them to the backs of his thigh, hoping Jae is okay with this...

I begin the short journey to the kitchen, I placed Jae on the counter top before turning to the kettle I fill it up with water before putting it back on its stand, I press down on the button and hear it begin to boil.

I turn around to Jae slotting myself in between his legs, my hands resting either side of his thighs trapping him on the kitchen bench.

"It's cold..." Jae pouts softly,

I nod "it's chilly even with the heating on" I said, feeling Jaes hands run up my arms

The pout still on his face as he looks up at me, I lift my hand up placing my thumb on his bottom lip, and my forefinger on his chin, I slowly rub my thumb over his bottom lip.

Jaes mouth parts a little bit before his hands bawl my shirt, pulling me closer to him, I chuckle before planting a kiss to his lips, I pull away, looking down at his bottom lips through hooded eyes, I go back in to plant another kiss to his lips, this time his hand wraps around my head and buries itself into my hair, holding me in place.

The kiss soon becomes needier and more hungrier, as Jae bites down onto my bottom lip, my hands roughly grip his thighs causing him to moan out, giving my access to his mouth, I slip my tongue into his mouth.

"Yunho" Jae mutters,

I hum pulling away from the heated kiss, and slowly kiss down to his neck. I harshly nip at his neck, feeling his grip my hair tighter as he bring me closer to him, before things could get any further the kettle finally makes a tick noise meaning it's finished boiling

I pull away from Jae, earning a whine, I laugh before pulling to cups out from the bottom self

"Do you want me to make yours?" I asked,

"Please puppy" Jae said bitting his bottom lip in excitement

I just hummed pulling out the green tea bags form the tea box, I placed them in the cup before looking at Jae

"Sugar?" Yunho said,

"Two sugars" Jae said holding up two fingers

I nodded taking a spoon out from the sugar jar and putting two spoonfuls of sugar in to the cup

I mixed the sugar into the tea before handing Jae his, I did the same for me before putting the spoon in the sink, I left my hot tea next to Jae and watched as he slowly bring the cup up to his face

"Ow" Jae muttered putting the cup down, I looked at him

"Too hot? Burnt your tongue?" I questioned

"No it fell and hurt my thigh" Jae said moving his leg slightly, the small outline of a wet spot on his blue jeans

I cooed, before rubbing my hand over his thigh,

"Do you want me to kiss it better?" I asked, not thinking much of it

My hand came up to his jeans, as I watched him nod

"You want me too?" I asked again watching him nod his head eagerly

"Mmmm" I hummed "words baby boy" I said watching him hide his face in his hands

"Please yunho" Jae said "I want you to kiss it better" Jae begged,

I undid his jeans, lifting his hips as I slid down his jeans, watching as he kicked them off. I picked him up and carried him to the bedroom

"Where does it hurt?" I asked running my hand up his thigh "here?" I questioned leaning down to plant a kiss on his thigh just under his boxers

I looked up at him through my eye lashes, he shook his head

"Here?" I asked, planting another kiss to his thigh

He shook his head, I proceeded to kiss random spots on his thigh before spreading his legs a little wider, I watched as his breath hitched

"Here?" I asked planting a kiss to his inner thigh

A small moan left his lips, as I continued to kiss his inner thigh, I watched as I kissed his inner thigh, sucking harshly before I pulled away. Jaes hand dug itself into my hand before he muttered a curse under his breath

"Baby boy" I said,

"Yunho please, more!" Jae whinned, before I attached my lips to his thigh once more

This time marking his thighs whenever I got the chance, needy whines leaving his lips. I kissed his thigh softly before comming up and catching his lips into a kiss

"Puppy" Jae whinned, as my hips came in contact with his

"Prince" I murmured, my hand slipping under his shirt, before I took it off completely

Jae tugged at my shirt and I gladly took it off, before slowly kissing down his chest, and to his boxers, I looked up at him

"May I?" I asked

"Yes, you may" Jae said propping himself up on his elbows

I removed his boxers before watching his dick spring free, precum leaking from his red tip. I run my hand over his slit taking his precum and running it down his cock, my thumb running over the vein in his cock, a small little whimper leaves his pink lips as I did so.

I gently kiss the tip of his cock before lightly sucking in a teasing way, his hand comes up to my head bringing itself into my hair, I slowly let my lips wrap around his cock, my tongue falling flat against the long vein that runs up his shaft as I take him in, I slowly bring myself back up and watch as his back aches off the bed.

I slowly bob my head, finding a rhythm to it, I hummed lightly as I continued to bob my head, Jae tugged on my hair as he cried out. As I bobbed my head I began to move my hand watching through my eye lashes as his mouth fell agape, and silent moans left his lips.

"Yunho, Yunho, Yunho!" Jae repeated as his moans got higher,

I quickened my pace causing Jaes climax to arrive sooner, feeling his dick twitch in my mouth was a give away he was close, not long after he would cum.

I watched as Jae took in deep breaths, I let out a hum before putting my hand on Jaes chest

"You did so well" I praised watching as Jaes already red face turn a darker hue

"I did good?" Jae asked, smiling but still breathing heavily

"You did so good" I said, kissing his forehead "Now let's drink the tea before it gets too cold" I said standing up

Jae wrapped his arms around my waist tightly as we walked back to the kitchen

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