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Contains; Smut, probably overuse of pet names, kinda a slow burn, f × m, stressed San, male masterbation, mentions of being San being big-

"Kayden" San groaned against my lips, as he pushed me further into the kitchen counter

"San, please" I muttered out, feeling Sans lips trail down to my neck, nipping lightly at my exposed skin

Sans phone began to ring, he looked over at his phone on the island in the middle of the kitchen, he stared at it for a moment or two, before a sigh left his lips, reaching over and grabbing his phone he answered it.

"Oh manger" San said, trying his hardest to stabilise his breathing "now?" San questioned, after a awhile of silence

"Yeah sure...." San added, before the phone was placed next to me on the coutertop

"Called in?" I asked, my hands coming up to rest on his shoulders, my finger intertwining at the back of his head

"Mmm" San hummed, his head falling slightly "I have to have a quick shower cause manger is right outside the apartment" San said,

I pouted, watching as he rubbed his eyes before removing himself from my grip and headed to the bathroom. I pushed off the counter and walked to the bedroom. I sat in the middle of the bed, debating if i should shower after San or do something else, I laid down my hands resting on my stomach.

I heard the shower turn off and not long after San walked out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist, he walked over to the drawers he has for boxers and socks, digging through it to find a pair.

"You have clean pairs in the basket next to the drawers" I said, remembering seeing his in my own washing

"Thank you" San said,

Quickly getting dressed, San walked over to the bed, I sat up, watching him have one knee on the bed as he leaned to place a kiss to my lips. The smell of his body wash was very intoxicating, as it filled my lungs, his hand rested on my thigh the other on the bed, my hands rested on his shoulders.

"Kitten I'm sorry, we'll have to finish this when I get back" San said, pulling away

I pouted, knowing San will overwork himself and we won't get to finish this. It's his day off today, we'll it was, until now. I watched as San left the room, getting up from the bed I followed him down to the front door.

"I'll text you when I get back" San said, patting his pockets making sure he had everything he needed

"Try not to overwork yourself" I said,

"I'll try not too" San smiled, kissing my forehead and leaving

Sighing to myself I wonder through the apartment like a lost soul, not really knowing what to do. I walk back to the bedroom finding my phone on the bed and unlocking it. I texted a friend before we decided to hang out at one of the coffee shops near the apartment.


"San?" I question,

"Are you home?" San asks,

"No I'm out at the moment" I responded, checking the time on my phone before putting the phone back to my ear "You're home early" I said

"Yeah..." San said, "We only had a couple things to do today..." San continued,

"Ah, oh before you hang up, do you want anything while I'm out?" I questioned him,

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