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Being a manager for the Seidou baseball team is a handful, but being close to the boys makes up a little for all the work. When you first entered the team you expected them to be more intimidating or even rude to you, but in no time you've established a great relationship with them, especially with a certain green haired boy, who according to his capitan, has quite a soft spot for you.

Kuramochi sticked to you right on your first day, offering to help you carry some boxes to the field - his red cheeks and shy smile didn't go unnoticed by you, but you wouldn't pick on your senpai right away -, even though you tried to decline and say it was your duty as a manager and that he had to be rested for practice, he insisted so much you gave in. Since then you grew used to his presence and started to hang out every now and then, accompanied by Miyuki constantly teasing you ( mostly Youichi ).

You had to admit he did have a soft spot for you. You could see it in the way he spoke so softly to you in contrast to how he nearly screamed in Sawamura's face, or how he was patient with you when you asked him to teach you to hit. Although you never thought it had something more to it - or didn't want to admit it since it was impossible for your senpai to like you back, right?-, it was obvious to the rest of the team that Mochi developed a crush on you.

Surprisingly, Coach Kataoka ended practice earlier this friday since the Fall Tournament begins tomorrow and he wanted the boys to rest. All of them obviously will stay practicing until the tiredness takes over but at least the coach gave them the opportunity to relax a little more.

"Kuramochi-senpai!" You sing, drifting his attention from his water bottle to you.

"Hey, Y/n, what's up?"

You take your hands from behind your back sneakily to give him a peak of the chocolate box you're holding, trying to prevent the rest of the boys from seeing it. Youichi's eyes sparkle at the sight of the sweets but he keeps his cool as he knows he shouldn't show any signs of sudden excitement or people will ask what it is about.

"I was wondering if you wanted to eat these with me?" You offer, tilting your head to point at the back of the cafeteria building.

"Oh my God, yes. Let's go."

He throws an arm around your shoulder and drags you to the pointed spot, away from all the noisy sweaty players.

You are quick to sit on the bench beside the vending machine and attack the chocolate box as if it was the last food on earth.

"I wonder how you passed Miyuki without him noticing this, you know how much he loves this chocolate." He comments, savoring and humming quietly at the sweet that melts on the warmth of his tongue.

"He's way too focused on tomorrow to see anything else in his surroundings."

You catch the way the boy beside you swallows harshly when he's reminded of the event that comes the next day. Yoichi never wanted to admit it in front of others, but he was nervous and anxious about the game, especially when his coach's job was at stake.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" You ask, nudging him softly. He turns his gaze to you and nods. "Then say, are you nervous for the game tomorrow?"

"A little, yeah. I mean, it's not that our team is bad, don't get me wrong, but it's not the same thing without the third year guys." He plays a little with the chocolate in his hand. "And Coach Kataoka's job depends on if we'll take him to nationals or not."

"As someone who's been watching y'all for months,I can say I'm sure you guys will do just fine. Everyone is motivated and ready."

"Well, I hope so." Kuramochi doesn't seem that convinced.

"I think you need some encouragement."


You lean in and place a small kiss on his cheek. His face turns red instantly and his eyes widen, dark green irises looking at you in disbelief.

You laugh at his reaction, he looks so adorable, all nervous and blushy, that it makes your chest warm, it gives you a sense of pride that you could get this reaction from someone that seems so confident.

Youichi doesn't know what to say, nor what to do, he can only feel his heart beating miles per minute. He always thought he would be the first one to make a move, he was waiting for some sign that you shared the same feelings as him so he could finally do something about it, but right now - a situation where he most definitely has s sign - he feels unable to make a move of his own.

"Um, I think I need more encouragement, you know." He scratches the back of his neck, looking anywhere but in your direction.


You cup his cheek and turn his face to you. He looks confused and gasps as you place your lips on his. After the wave of shock, Kuramochi kisses you back, securing a hand on the back of your neck to deepen the kiss and the other on your waist.

You pull away but he searches for your lips, now kissing you with more passion and determination than before. You smile against him and he feels his confidence coming back again. He's gentle in his kiss and in his touch, now caressing your cheekbone with his thumb as he pulls you closer to his body. You lock your arms around his neck and tilt your head to the side, savoring every bit of him.

After a while, he breaks the kiss and rests his forehead on your shoulder.

"You taste like chocolate." He says, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Finally!" You look to the side to see Miyuki and Kominato looking at both of you with smirks on their faces. "You don't know how much I had to endure him talking about you, Y/n."

"Ugh." Youichi groans and you laugh, feeling your cheeks starting to heat up.

"I thought I'd have to send Haruichi to flirt with her to make you jealous so you'd finally confess." The pink haired says.

"You too, Ryou-san?!"

"You should ask me for my blessing. Since I'm your captain and all-"

"Miyuki." Kuramochi grunts, a vein popping on his forehead.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you my blessing another time. C'mon, Kominato-san, let's give the love birds some time alone."

The two players walk away, leaving behind a very blushy Yoichi.

"So you talk about me to your friends, huh?" You brush your fingers through his hair.

"How about we just kiss again?" He buries his face on the crook of your neck to hide his flustered face and avoid the question.

"I'll give you another kiss if you win tomorrow's game."

"Hey, that's not far!" He lifts his head and frowns. "I want another one."

"Make sure to win, then." You smirk, earning a groan from him.

"You're gonna be the death of me."

He did his best in the game against Teitou. When it was over, Kuramochi ran up the bleachers to get his favorite reward, you .

『ENCOURAGEMENT』| Kuramochi YouichiWhere stories live. Discover now