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She watched the funeral from a distance.

The coffin that was slowly lowered into the pit dug in the ground.

From there she could recognize some of the people present.

Her best friend's red hair, similar to hers, stood out against the black of her clothes.

She knew.
She was the only one who knew the truth.

But she was still there, playing her role, as she had specifically asked.

Her presence was decisive.
She was the closest person to her, the one who knew everything about her, like a sister.

She thanked her mentally, apologizing for the weight that she had forced her to bear.

Then she shifted her gaze to a more distant figure.

She'd made sure the news somehow reached Utah, more specifically Caineville.

And there he was, just as she had foreseen.

Mac was watching the scene from afar, sunglasses and a cigarette between his lips.

She squeezed the bunch of flowers she had in her hands tighter as he turned in her direction.

She let the wind ruffle the perfect curls of her blonde wig, hiding her face more than the sunglasses did.

She turned, bending over the grave closest to her and placing flowers on the ground, posing as any person visiting a loved one, and, by pure chance, found himself there during a funeral.

She pulled her brown coat tighter and stared at the name on the marble next to her flowers.

The name "Wright" was engraved, date of birth missing in day and month, it reported only the year 1910. Date of death November 4, 2009.

She thought for a moment about the nearly centennial person buried beneath her feet, wondering if, wherever he or she was, was cursing her for her purely opportunistic act.

She didn't know if there was anything after her life.
She didn't know whether to call herself a believer or similar.

She just liked to think it wasn't all over.

She often stopped to think about it but in the end she found it pointless to puzzle over something she would never know for sure before time.

She turned back to the funeral in progress, mulling over what she had just thought.

Her time had already come but, for her, death had definitely not ended her existence.


She had been following his red truck for a while, at least until it didn’t looked suspicious.

She stopped at a gas station, with a small bar, along that endless and deserted road that led to Caineville.

The man behind the counter stared at her strangely all the time she sat at the only table available.
She probably looked completely out of place, with the clean new coat, the blonde wig, perfectly coiffed, but that bothered her deeply.

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