Guess Who's Coming to Breakfast! (15+)

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Warning: This one is kinda disturbing for many readers due to child abuse.

It was another normal morning, Chef Pee Pee was cooking breakfast for everyone in the house. The food he was cooking looked amazing this time, unlike the others in the past days since he was pretty in good mood today.

Chef Pee Pee: Ah, what a perfect day! Cooking eggs, pancakes are my favourite!

Meanwhile, in an unknown world, someone was watching him though some kind of a ball.

???: That Chef Poo Poo, he's...he's cooking so well, better than this version of him! Guess what! I'm gonna use that staff my dad left in the basement to enter his world!

Chef Pee Pee finished cooking breakfast and set them on the dinner table.

Chef Pee Pee: Alright, everyone! Breakfast ready! Get your butt over here now!

Jeffy was the first one to enter.

Chef Pee Pee: Jeffy! You came early!

Jeffy: Oh ready? I didn't know the time.

Chef Pee Pee: Anyway, Jeffy. I'm gonna go clean up the kitchen. Don't eat the others' breakfasts!

Jeffy: I won't!

Chef Pee Pee went to the kitchen to clean up.

One plate later...

Jeffy: Aw yeah! The first one to came and finish eating the food! Oh wait, I need to pee!

Jeffy went to the bathroom and after using it, he came back to the dinner table and he noticed that every food on the plates were gone!!!

Jeffy: WHAT THE?!?! Where did they go?!?!

Marvin: Oh boy! Time for some breakfast-wait. WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!?!?! JEFFY!!! DID YOU EAT THEM ALL?!?!?!

Jeffy: No, daddy! I didn't eat them all!

Marvin: Yes you did!

Jeffy: I swear to god, I'M NOT!!!

Chef Pee Pee: What's going on here?

Marvin: Jeffy ate all the food!

Jeffy: No, I did not!

Chef Pee Pee: Don't lie to me! Did you do it?

Jeffy: No! I went to the bathroom and all of the sudden, they're gone! I only ate mine!

Chef Pee Pee: You sure? Because you know lying isn't the right thing to do!

Jeffy: I'm not lying!

Junior and friends came in with an unknown kid, who looked like Jeffy.

Junior: Hey guys! I made a new friend!

???: Um...hi, guys.

Jeffy: Who are you?! Why do you look like me?!

???: Don't yell at me like that! I hate being yelled!

Jeffy: My apologize.

Scooter: Anyway, my name is Scooter.

Marvin: (That kid, he looks suspicious. I never seen him before in my life. Why does he look like Jeffy? But with a different name and a blue shirt?)

Marvin: Nice to meet you, Scooter. Kids, where did you find him?

Junior: Well um, this all happened...

Flashback Begins

I saw him eating breakfast out of the table, without people looking. I was the first one to see him.

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