Jeffy Gets Replaced!

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Jeffy: Mommy! Daddy! What's for breakfast?

Jeffy saw Marvin and Rose with Junior sitting on the red couch.

Jeffy: Oh hey Junior! Why are so early today?

Junior: Hey Jeffy! Come sit with me!

Marvin: Oh sorry Jeffy, you can't right now. Maybe later?

Rose: Yeah, sorry about that. Jeffy.

Jeffy: Oh...I see...


Jeffy: Hey mommy, daddy. What's my lunch?

Jeffy saw Marvin feeding Junior green beans.

Marvin: Alright Junior. Your lunch is green beans.

Junior: Come on! I wanted McDonalds!

Marvin: No! You have to eat green beans!

Jeffy: Hey daddy! What's for lunch?

Marvin: Oh um...asked Chef Pee Pee!

Jeffy: Why are you feeding Junior green beans?

Marvin: That's his lunch ok! Now Junior, eat green beans or you won't get chocolate cakes!

Junior: I didn't say I want chocolate cakes!


Jeffy: Alright, it's time for bed!

Marvin: Hey Jeffy, sorry about that. But your bedroom belongs to Junior now.

Jeffy: What?!

Marvin: Yeah, you'll sleep on top of the bunk bed.

Jeffy: Stupid daddy...trying to make me sleep on top bunk bed without knowing that I'm scared of heights!

After that day

Jeffy: Why is mommy and daddy favoriting Junior over me? Are they don't love me anymore?

Chef Pee Pee: Hey Jeffy!

Jeffy: What do you what?!

Boss: I just wanted to say that...

Chef Pee Pee: Sorry about what happened. How about we'll spend times with you?

Jeffy: O-ok...

Then, Marvin, Rose and Junior came into the living room.

Marvin: Hey guys! How's the bet?

Jeffy: Wait, bet?!

Marvin: Oh sorry about that, me and Chef Pee Pee decided to make a bet by swapping Junior's and yours place!

Jeffy: So what you saying is...

Junior: Hey Jeffy, your dad is trying to make me eat green beans again...


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