Chapter 12

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He quietly stayed hidden in the shadows as he carefully watched the movements of a certain kind of Steves. The Forest Steves, to be exact. He knows they have who he wants, someone special to say the least. Slumbering for generations- he wonders how long it will take for them all to even realized that he will no longer be hidden. 

Well, in due time, they all will know of the perpetual danger that slowly rises from the horizon.


Origin Steve, What will you do to prevent this once more?


Goggles sighed as he had to temporarily stopped in his frantic searched for the journal, whoever had stolen it seems to have been smart about it. Leaving almost indication that they were around. Making the search all the more harder to say the least, which is unfortunate cause he really needed that book back. 

Their's no telling what disaster that could have happened in the hands of those that wanted to used it for something not good. Especially since their's so much that almost no one, but him and a few others know. Never mind that- he needs to hurry. 

Rumors of a Player within the walls of the Rainbow Kingdom have came around. Didn't it? Oh, how concerning. Such a young and naive player lost in the events of this realm. 

A realm that is forever trapped in a eternal loop. 


Ray panic when he was told of the events that had happened while he was gone doing business- how can he not panic? He was meant to keep Sabre safe- well, he and the other steves that came with from the villager, were all meant to keep him safe. Yet, he was taken away by the Leader of the Colorless Guard. 

Light Steve.

He sighed as he tried to calm down and figured out what to do- he could go to the Guards and request he meets the Captain, but he was unsure if they would even allowed him to see him. He wasn't sure anymore. How can a simple delivery turn into this? He wasn't sure, he look around- not realizing he had wondered off in his thoughts. Confused to note that he was in the Violet Sector. 

He haven't been to the Violet Sector or Kingdom since he had moved away to live in the humble and calm Village. 


Said Steve turned around and was met with the surprised look of the Violet Leader.

The violet Leader had pale violet hair that almost seems a bit more closer to pink, a simple flower crown on their head, Fair yet tan skin, bright violet eyes, simple pale grayish white dress with a Violet fabric wrapped around the waist, a couple flowers was on it as well and light gray boots.

"... Hello Leader, been a while. Hasn't it?" Ray answered back with a soft, yet, sad smile. Violet Leader nodded. "Likewise. I... I never expected to see you here again, did something happen?" He asked with a worried look, Ray was silent, he was unsure if he should tell them or not.

He decided not to tell them, worried it would only make things... Worst, per say.

"..I've been fine, settled in the village and to be quite honest, It was nice, I felt more free then I was when I was here." He answered honestly, looking up at the sky to avoid the leader sad gaze. 

"I'm sure you do, I quite honestly missed you here, but it's for the best you moved away. I don't think you could have handle the tension in this kingdom more...But luckily all of us leaders agreed to make our own kingdoms again and used this kingdom as a trading hub." Violet Leader leader answered with a soft, yet, sadden smile. Ray was, to say the least, surprised to hear such news. 

"Really?" Ray questioned, surprised hinted in his tone, the violet leader nodded. "Really." 

"That's wonderful! I'm sure everyone would be happy to not feel confine here, even without...the king here no more, he would have likely like for us all to live our separate ways eventually." Ray answered, slightly sad that the King was gone, but at the same time, had long but moved on since then. Violet Leader nodded, walking over to him and hugged him. "I'm happy I got to see you again Ray..." They told him, nuzzling closer to him. 

Ray smiled and hugged back, nuzzling back as well. "Me too Amethyst, Me Too.." He said quietly, The Violet Leader, Amethyst smiled. 


Meanwhile not far from them...

"Huh, I didn't expect to see those lovers back together again. Wonder if they would truly get married like they promised..." 

[Who could say, they would ever keep their promises?]


Shadow sighed as he closed the last book he had taken from the shelf, it had given him not the faintest clue to the cursed or illness that caused Dark coma. He was hoping to even found a answer, heck, even just a small tiny lead would do, yet, in the end he was given nothing. He hoped, one day, the Dark prince he considered his little brother would awaken eventually...

"Nothing?" The Librarian asked with a solemn look, Shadow shook his head. "Nothing..." He answered, the Librarian sighed. "I couldn't find anything either, I doubt it would be in the cursed section, this is a unknown cursed or illness...whatever it is, it's almost non existence it seems..." The Librarian wondered softly, looking at the book he held. 

Shadow was silent, he suppose, he would have to searched for an answers for awhile, even if, it takes up so much of his time, he would rather hope for the awaken of the young steve.

A Steve that have so much to live for and explore. 

[It's too bad he never woken up until it was too late.]


Cherry Blossom softly yawn as he woke up, feeling someone gently shook him awake, he was still so tired, but it seems he had likely fell asleep after reading the book he had. He look over to see who had gently shook him- only to yelp and moved back.

It wasn't the Deer-Forest Steve that had given him a book, or given him his name. 

It was someone else. Someone... That haunted them in their dreams...

A hooded figured with blue, almost black hair, darken skin, blood red eyes. They simply smiled at them with a look of possessiveness.


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Be prepared Readers, I may just make the person (we all know who, who else knows them?) possessive over poor little Cherry Blossom and be a yandere :)

Poor little Cherry Blossom will have to suffer from manipulation and what not, now it seems...

As well as past affections towards them.


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