Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I'm happy I left the party last night. Ace looked disappointed but he didn't try to make me stay. I appreciate that. The men around me never respect my wishes. It's their way and that's it. I'm sick of not being able to think for myself, make my own decisions. I mean they should know a grown ass woman is capable of anything these days. These men are old school though, raised with the mentality that a woman is under them and belongs in the kitchen. Except when our bodies can make them money, and my body makes them A lot of money.
These men were untouchable, The Elite, they called themselves. They believed they were superior beings, they came from families who appeared to be middle class, they hid their wealth. They were all extremely intelligent, raised by stay-at-home mothers and fathers who looked to have your everyday blue-collar jobs. It was all a front, the way drug dealers front with a fake business or job. These families bred with each other, all unrelated but wanting to keep their lines as pure as possible. They also had connections in every state to other elites so that they could mix it up.
The wives were beautiful, every single one. Amazing figures, faces and intelligent minds too! I was chosen, a newbie, an outsider. anytime they found someone with elite potential they reeled them in and made this life look like a blessing. The blessing is also a curse though, sure we have a choice, we don't have to be a part of this organization but to make that choice is choosing wrong. I didn’t have a choice the way others do. These people are connected to the police, the government and to crime families as well. So, you really have no choice. If you have enough potential to be chosen for the elite you will be watched for the rest of your life, and you will not be allowed success of your own without them. They will sabotage everything.

I used to have a boyfriend before I was forced to be here. Jacob was everything, he was strong and intelligent, his downfall was his anger. He was protective as hell too. That's how they got him, they were watching us, and they knew enough about him to use me against him. I never knew they had approached him, I knew he was a genius, I knew he turned down a big job offer, he never told me more though. He dabbled in a lot of different things, he never attended college, but he didn't need to. He knew engineering, science, math, I mean the list could go on. he graduated high school at the age of fourteen. I met him when I was thirteen, he lived next dor. I think I always loved him, he always protected me, from everyone and everything. Even my own father.
Jacob wasn’t just intelligent, he was also extremely athletic, he was varsity in every sport he could play as a freshman. He was strong, He was perfect. When I was fifteen my father started beating me, my mom died from a drug overdose, and he blamed me. I also looked just like her so I’m sure that didn’t help. Jacob protected me from the one night I couldn’t hide the bruises anymore. I tapped on his window hunched over with a bloody and bruised up face. My father was drunk, and it had been the worst beating I had to endure. Jacob retaliated and beat my father within an inch of his life. We called the cops, and they did nothing. Jacob was a minor and his dad was the chief, so he had no repercussions but neither did my father as long as he left Jacob alone. So, we made the only choice we had, and we ran. I know now that the elites knew all of this and used it.
at a club one night when we were nineteen a group of their youngest members were there. While I realized now this was no coincidence, I didn’t think anything more of it back then. he said they were friends from a medical camp he went to. He was sure they were just here for fun. I know now that it was another recruitment mission. A mission that went wrong and way too far. While one of them took Jacob for a drink the one left behind watched me. He stared at me with a lust in his eyes I hadn’t experienced before. I was used to being hit on, with my curvy body type. Men always gawked at me, I ignored it, and never mentioned it to Jacob since he was always so protective. Those men were losers, nothing, but this man, he was hungry for me. I could smell the desire dripping from his sweat. He hid none of it, and he looked powerful, young but powerful.
He wasn’t even pretending not to stare when Jacob was around, it made me wonder why he left me sitting here with him? I got up to go where Jacob was standing and felt strong hands grab me at my thighs. He pulled me down onto his lap and I fought to get up. I looked over at Jacob for help, but his back was to me. I couldn’t yell, because over the music I was sure no one would hear me. I could hear the man though.
“Where do you think you’re going sexy”
It wasn’t that he was ugly, it was quite the opposite, he was insanely gorgeous, blue eyes, light skin, sexy as fuck tattoos and a body built like Jason Momoa. The problem was that I was taken. Jacob was it for me, he was my lifeline I was sure he was the man I would marry.
“I’m going with my fiancé”
He pressed my thick ass harder into his lap and I felt his rock-hard cock against me. My heartbeat so fast, terrified, in remembrance of the fact that I have no panties on under this short bodycon dress. One slip and he would know that. I hate underwear they are a nuisance. I wished I wore them right now. One more layer of protection against this man entering me. I was a virgin, Jacob never pressured me. Sure, we did other stuff but not that. That was for marriage.
I tried to push his hands off me a free myself from his grasp, but he was too strong, so calm and still as he held me against him. I felt like I was fighting with all I had but still trying not to make a complete fool of myself. A scene in a place like this, where Jacob would lose his mind would not be good. I looked back at his face and simply asked him to please let me go. That I was taken, I was Jacobs. He had the most powerful look in his eyes as his hand ran up my thighs and in between my legs, his other hand roped around my waist grabbing at my hip to keep me in place. Just like that he inserted a finger inside me.

“I knew you weren’t wearing panties, I thought maybe a thong, but I was right, you’re a little slut, aren’t you? Bouncing that juicy ass around”

“Mm mm so wet for me” he moaned.
I knew my body had betrayed me, I felt the hot tears spill over my high cheek bones. I pushed off him with all my strength while looking over at Jacob.
“Stop it” I demanded
He didn’t, instead he said the most disgusting words I had ever heard.

“Keep fighting me sweetness, every time you use all your strength to fight me, I feel your wet pussy tighten around my fingers”
He laughed, and I felt the vomit churning in my stomach.
“Wonder what it would feel like around my dick”
The scratching, clawing, and fighting was accomplishing nothing, so I did what I should have done in the first place. I screamed.
My eyes met Jacobs as he heard me and saw what was happening, he ran to me even as the guy he was with tried to keep him where he was. The man tossed me on the floor like damaged goods. That’s what I was.
How could Jacob ever want me now, but that would be the least of my worries. Jacob pulled his gun and before he could do or say anything they shot him. The man who assaulted me and Jacob’s friend both shot him, I crawled to him crying still feeling the messy betrayal in between my legs.
“Help!” I shouted
Right as I reached his body strong arms pulled me from him, and as they carried me away, I saw the life fade from his eyes as the blood escaped his body. I never saw him again, I never knew if he got a proper burial, but I knew he was dead. No one could survive that.

That is why it’s a bad idea to see Ace, friends or not the Elites wouldn’t like it, better yet they might like it too much and force him to be one of us. I would never be free of them, and I won’t be the reason anyone else falls prisoner to them.

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