Goodbye ♥ Hello

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Today was supposed to be your last day with your roommate Taehyung, which also happened to be your best friend since Elementary school. But the thing is, he never showed up.

You waited for him up until past one in the morning but you fell asleep on the couch while watching television. But when you woke up you where in your bed . You got up and rushed downstairs but only to find a note on the entertainment stand.

Dear (y/n),

I'm sorry I couldn't stay to say goodbye but I will be back in a couple months after our tour is over... I brought home your favorite, kimchi, last night. But as i expected you were already asleep. I put it in our fridge and it shouldn't take long to cook so please eat well and be safe!

If I come back and find you dead ill kill myself just so I can follow you to heaven and make sure your not a perfect angel.

You were confused by the last part but soon got over it and quickly got dressed and grabbed your coat. You ran out to your car and made your way, as fast as possible, to the airport. SOPA (school) could wait.

When you arrived you ran inside and of course it wasn't hard to find him and the rest of BTS. All you had to do was follow the screaming fan's and camera's. You couldn't see though and you were in the back so they couldn't see you either. You even tried to push people but it wouldn't work. So you just decided to go to the manager.

You and the manager were not close friends AT ALL. To be honest you both hated each other.

"Manager-nim" you tapped his shoulder lightly and he turned around and faced you but kept following the group.

"Ne, (y/n)?", he looked angrily at you for interrupting.

"Well, you see, I didn't even get to say goodbye to Taehyung... and the others! So ... if I cou-", you where cut off by fans pushing you forward and pushing the manager away from you.

You were pushed practically to the same place you began at and you sighed. You kept following, just not with the crowd. But when they stopped and had to wait for the plane by sitting down almost all the girls except a few left. It was surprising how they just left all of a sudden since they all looked like they would die for Bangtan...

Since you had the chance you went over but got nervous about what he would say so you hid behind a plant but to be honest you where really close. Jungkook saw you and you smiled at him but put a finger to your lips so he knew not to say anything. But you knew he was silently watching you and making sure nothing weird happened. Jungkook was always like a brother too you so he naturally keeps his eyes on you for safety.

After a bit of waiting and calming yourself you saw there wasn't more then twenty minutes left and you decided "now or never".

You stood up and immediately about everyone in Bangtan but Taehyung looked at you. You felt even more nervous now but you just smiled and did the same thing you did to jungkook to them and they all nodded and tried to act casually.

You went behind their chairs and stopped at Taehyung's. You stared at the back of his head for a couple of seconds before cutting out of it and grabbing his shoulders. He jumped up and yelped a little before he looked back and saw you. You smiled and waved your hand in his face.

"(y/n)... why are you here? I mean... you should be at school..." he looked a bit worried for some reason. You just laughed.

"Don't worry Alien, I wont fail just because I missed one day of school".

"But your already failing", he laughed at you.

"SEE! So no need to worry", you both laughed but stopped and just looked at each other for a bit before he invited you to sit next to him. Obviously you agreed.

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