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    Guyssss I have my first part to my ToppDogg Smut done so please check it out even if you don't like ToppDogg. AND IF YOU DONT KNOW THEM LOOK THEM UP BECAUSE I PERSONALLY LIKE THEM MORE THAN ANY OTHER GROUP INCLUDING BTS.


        "So ____..... Will you come to the part I'm hosting tonight? You've heard about it already right? I told some guys from class 2-B that you where coming so you have to!!" Your best friend/roommate asked you with puppy eyes. It's true that you have heard around school of the party but you knew if you went with her she would go with her more popular friends and leave you alone. You hate nothing more then being alone.

    You stared at your half empty lunch tray and ignored your friend. She stared at you and inched closer until you would answer so you did but you knew she wouldn't like your reply.

    "I'm not going." You said simply and got up with your tray to throw away the leftovers. She followed you and kept asking you why but you where already at your classroom when the bell rang and she had to return to her own class. Throwing a sigh out as you sat down, you knew she would ask you more once you got home. Your new objective of the day was to avoid her.

    After the bell rang for your final class you quickly walked out of the school building without going to your locker but you felt a soft hand on your shoulder and you flinched thinking it was your friend. As you slowly turned you saw the face of one of your upperclassmen, Jimin.

    "See you tonight ____." He purred and winked at you. You knew he must have been one of the people your friend told that you where coming to the party and you smiled at him so he would leave. After he was out of sight you headed towards a coffee shop that your friend from middle school worked at. As soon as the door opened it dinged and you saw everyone's eyes go to you as you where one of the only customers. You smiled awkwardly and walked to the counter to be greeted by a smiling boy around your age.

    "I'll take the usual, Simba." You smiled at him and he smiled back. "Of course ____." He answered and told you your total which you payed in cash. You knew Simba only because he was dating that friend of yours who works here that you came to see. Before leaving the counter you called out to Simba.

    "Where is (f/n)?" You asked with the hint that you want to see her in your voice. He nodded towards the bathroom and you walked to the door until it came at you before you could grab the handle. Luckily you moved out of the way before it hit you.

    "Oh.... Hey ____ !!!" The familiar voice of an old friend shouted. You giggled and hugged her as if you where a couple reuniting. Simba calls that your drink is ready and you go take a seat with (f/n). She grabs your hand and stared into your eyes as if she was going to kiss you.

    ".... Why are we like this?" You asked laughing together. All of a sudden she sits up and looks serious. "So ___, got a boyfriend yet?" She gave you a dirty smile and held back a giggle. "No." You said and roles your eyes. "Haha you loner! You need to get yourself a man!!!" She looked back towards the counter where Simba was watching you both. "I bed me one of those." You hinted towards Simba and she hissed at you. "He's mine" you both laughed and talked some more before the clock hit 5 and you knew you should head home since the party was at 5:30 and you knew your roommate would be long gone since it was her party.

    You said goodbye to your grains and Simba and you walked out of the small shop. Ok your way home you saw a car window open and you clearly could see one of your upperclassmen heading towards the house the party would take place at. You smiled to yourself since the boy you saw was one you had a crush on in your first year. You sighed as you reached your house. As soon as you opened the door you flopped over to the couch and turned your portable radio on to your favorite song, My House by 2PM.

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