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This is only my second story so if anyone has any criticisms or advice it would be appreciated. 

I will try to update as much as possible

If there is a plot you want me to explore or if you have any ideas of plot at all let me know and I will probably use it.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the story!

(Kara's POV)

"Keira!", Mrs. Grant yelled from across the office. 

As quickly as possible, while still looking human, I ran to her office to tend to her needs. "Hey Mrs. Grant. What do you need?"

"I need you to tell your friend super girl to come and meet me on the balcony. It's urgent! Now chop chop."

Rolling my eyes I head over to James' office to talk.

"Ever since Mrs. Grant found out I knew Supergirl personally she has nonstop been using me to get to her.", I complain to James. 

"I guess now you know how I feel with both you and Clark", he joked. "Just do whatever she needs, it will be easier that way."

"Then that's my cue to go change.", I muttered, obviously annoyed. 

I speed walk to the elevator and then exit on the ground floor, making my way to the alley. Quickly changing, I fly up to her balcony and hover, not wanted to make this a long sit down conversation. 

"Mrs. Grant, you asked for me?", getting her attention.

She turned and made her way over to the door. 

"Supergirl, how are you?"

"What did you need me for?", not trying to sound rude but definitely coming out that way.

"Can I not just have a friendly conversation with you? I thought you enjoyed our conversations."

"Sorry Mrs. Grant. I'm just really overwhelmed and exhausted right now. There is just so much going on in the world and with my personal life too."

"I can tell", Cat said subconsciously. "Are you alright? Your work has just been sloppy lately and you need to fix it. CatCo will not stand behind a superhero that is anything less than super."

"I'm fine Mrs. Grant. It has just been so much trying to be at so many places at once. You know, I love being Supergirl. It is truly the best thing that had happened to my life, but if I didn't have these powers, I wouldn't hate not having to live a double life. I kind of wish I never had these powers, that I was normal."

"Well you do so make the most of it. I believe in you Ka..I mean Supergirl. Just keep on going and I promise things will get easier and your life will get better."

"Thank you Mrs. Grant for the advice. I promise I will be a better hero for National City. I won't let you down." I fly away with a smile that quickly dims. 

I get a call from Alex. "Supergirl, are you there? There has been an attack at L Corp, get there as fast as you can!"

One thing is now on my mind, saving Lena. Reaching mach two I arrive at L Corp within seconds. I enter through the balcony to see her lying on the ground injured. I bend down next to her. "Lena! Are you okay? Can you hear me?" 

She just rolls over and whispers, "They are coming back."

I turn around and see a woman holding a gun at me. Scoffing, I say, "You know that won't hurt me." Right after saying that, I started to feel off. That gun was not a normal gun, it had some sort of kryptonite. Before I could do anything preventative, she shot it and its ray hit both of us. The shot stung, but not in the way kryptonite normally would. The color wasn't green either, but more of multiple colors mixed together in the same shot. I glanced back down at Lena to make sure she was fine. She still seemed out of it from before but not any worse from the shot, shooting a sigh of relief throughout my body. 

The woman after seeing her weapon seemingly fail bolted. Using my superspeed, I caught up to her instantly, hitting her over the head with a punch, strong enough to knock her out but weak enough so that she is not permanently hurt. Scooping her up, I flew into the DEO. I had one of the agents open up a cell for me to throw her into. Still unconscious, I tossed her in and slammed the door. "Oh my Rao, Lena!", I thought. 

Flying out of the DEO, I swooped back into Lena's office. She had already gotten up and was walking around.

"Are you fine Lena? It looked like you took some pretty bad hits."

"Nothing a Luthor can't handle", She wittily replied.

"But are you sure you don't need anything? We were both blasted by an unknown weapon."

"I'm fine", she reassured me. 

Taking her answer as a yes, I flew back to my house to rest after a long days work of being a reporter and superhero. Laying in my bed, I wondered what life would be like without these powers.

The next morning, I woke up in a strange location. Seeing the all white interior, I deducted that I must be in Lena's office at L Corp. That is strange though because I vividly remember leaving. I would never sleep here. I stood up and automatically felt different, felt weaker. I tried to fly and use my superspeed but my powers were gone. Lena had a water pitcher on her table, so I poured myself a glass and took a sip. I walked over to the mirror in the room to search for answers. I looked straight into it and dropped the glass cup, shattering on the ground. 

Oh my Rao, I am Lena.

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